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引用本文:朱国平,朱清澄,陈锦淘,许 巍,张先存.北太平洋秋刀鱼渔场形成与水温之间关系的初步研究[J].海洋科学,2006,30(7):91-96.
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朱国平1, 朱清澄1, 陈锦淘1, 许 巍1, 张先存1
上海水产大学 海洋学院
利用地理信息系统(GIS)技术对2004年7~9月在北太 平洋秋刀鱼(Cololabis saira)资源调查中的渔业数据与水温之间的关系进行了初步分析。结果表明,各小渔场Ⅰ~Ⅳ的温跃层厚度及其平均值分别 为23.21~45.23m(22.02m),9.26~26.16m(16.90m),19.03~27.60m(8.57m)和 19.09~30.53m(11.44m)。各小渔场0~50m(50~100m)的温度梯度分别为0.46℃/m(0.40℃/m),0.36℃ /m(0.14℃/m),0.49℃/m(0.24℃/m)和0.42℃/m(0.18℃/m)。50~100m水层时,各渔场最高单位捕捞努力量渔获量 (Catch Per Unit Effort, CPUE)平均分布的各层温度范围较为接近,50m水层为3.00℃左右,75m水层约为2.00℃,100m 水层为1.50℃左右。
关键词:  北太平洋  秋刀鱼(Cololabis saira)  渔场  水温
Preliminary study on relationship between Cololabis saira fishing ground and temperature factor in the Northern Pacific Ocean
Based on the GIS technology, the paper analyzes the relationship between Cololabis saira resource and temperature factor with the data obtained by Cololabis saira survey in the Northern Pacific Ocean. The result indicates that the vertical range of thermocline in four fishing sub-grounds varied in 23.21~ 45.23 m, 9.26~26.16 m, 19.03~27.60 m, and 19.09~30.53 m respectively; The average thicknesses of thermocline are 22.02 m, 16.90 m, 8.57 m, and 11.44 m respectively. The temperature gradients in 0~ 50 m (50~ 100 m) strata of four fishing sub-grounds are 0.46 ℃/m(0.40 ℃/m), 0.36℃/m(0.14 ℃/m), 0.49 ℃/m(0.24 ℃/m), and 0.42 ℃/m(0.18 ℃/m) respectively. To the highest CPUE of four fishing grounds, the temperature ranges are insignificantly different in different strata, the temperatures in 50 m, 75 m, and 100 m stratum are 3.00 ℃, 2.00 ℃ and 1.50 ℃ respectively.
Key words:  the Northern Pacific Ocean  Cololabis saira  fishing ground  temperature
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