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引用本文:王文琪,徐申波,姜令绪,杨 宁,张玉娜.菲律宾蛤仔血淋巴溶菌酶活性的研究[J].海洋科学,2006,30(8):46-49.
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王文琪1, 徐申波1, 姜令绪1, 杨 宁1, 张玉娜1
通过不同的反应条件对菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum)血淋巴溶菌酶活力的影响实验,发现各反应条件与菲律宾蛤仔血淋巴溶菌活力密切相关:随着血淋巴添加量的增加,菲律宾蛤仔血淋巴溶菌活力逐渐升高,添加量在150~250μL之间时,两者呈现直线关系;溶菌活力随着温度和pH的升高呈峰值变化,分别在反应温度为50℃和pH为6.4时达到最大值,但统计分析显示pH在5.2~6.4之间时,溶菌活力差异不显著(P>0.05);溶菌活力随着反应时间的延长逐渐升高,当反应时间
关键词:  菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum)  溶菌活力  温度  pH
Study on activity of lysozyme in hemolymph of Ruditapes philippinarum
This paper studied the effects of hemolymph volume, temperature,pH and time on the property of lysozyme in the hemolymph of Ruditapes philippinarum. The results indicated that there was a close relation between the four reaction conditions and bacteriolytic activity. As the volume is in of hemolymph increased, the bacteriolytic activity in the hemolymph increased gradually, while the volume and the bacteriolytic activity showed linearity when the volume is in between 150 μL and 250 μL. As the reaction temperature and pH increased, the graphs of bacteriolytic activity plotted against dates all showed curves. The graphs of bacteriolytic activity had well defined peaks when the temperature equaled 50℃ and the pH equaled 6.4. The data of bacteriolytic activity had no marked difference in the ranges from 5.2 to 6.4 pH. As the reaction time increased, bacteriolytic activity increased gradually between 10min and 100min, while bacteriolytic activity remained at a constant level between 100,110 and 120 min and there was no distinct difference(P>0.05). That provided base data of different infections on immune activity of R. philippinarum.
Key words:  Ruditapes philippinarum  bacteriolytic activity  temperature  pH
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