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引用本文:李颖逾,刘建国,林 伟,崔效杰,薛彦斌.雨生红球藻细胞转化、虾青素积累与光照强度的关系及不同品系间的差异性[J].海洋科学,2006,30(9):36-41.
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李颖逾1,2, 刘建国1,3, 林 伟1, 崔效杰3, 薛彦斌3
1.中国科学院 海洋研究所海洋生物工程中心;2.中国科学院 研究生院;3.潍坊科技职业学院爱尔发生物技术平台
关键词:  雨生红球藻(Haematococcus pluvialis)  积累  虾青素  光照强度
Effects of light intensity on cell transformation,astaxanthin accumulation in three strains of Haematococcus pluvialis and their difference
Effects of light intensities on cell transformation, astaxanthin accumulation in three stains of Haematococcus pluvialis (H0, H2 and H3) were studied in 2004 by using nutrients eliminated culture. Results showed a distinctive influence of light intensity on astaxanthin accumulation and cell transformation from motile cells to non-motile cells. Astaxanthin concentration in H0 increased with the enhancement of light intensity in the range lower than 25 000 lx. It remained at a high level under the light intensity between 20 000 and 35 000lx, then started to decrease severely when the light intensity was over 35 000 lx. H2 showed similar astaxanthin changes to H0 except for that maximal astaxanthin was obtained at 35 000 lx. Regarding to H3, an increase of astaxanthin accumulation was accompanied with an improvement of light intensity in the range below 35 000 lx. Light intensity between 20 000 lx 45 000 lx was conducive to astaxanthin accumualation then led to a decrease of astaxanthin if further increase light radiation. The reasons causing astaxanthin accumulation decrease in low dim light differed from that at high light radiation. The former was mainly led by the decrease of astaxanthin per cell, and the latter was a result of light damage and reduction of safety cell transformation. Comparison of three strains abilities of astaxanthin accumulation found that H2 showed the highest amount of astaxanthin quantity under light intensities between 20 000 lx and 25 000 lx due to its fast non-motile cell growth rate. Meanwhile, H2 had the narrowest favorable light intensity and poorest tolerance to strong light among the three strains. On the contrast, H3 showed a high rate of cell transformation from motile cells to non-motile cells and good output of astaxanthin because of its wide range of suitable light intensity and high toleranceto strong light.
Key words:  Haematococcus pluvialis  accumulation  astaxanthin  light intensity
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