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吴进锋1, 张汉华1, 陈利雄1, 梁超愉1
中国水产科学研究院 水产种质资源与养殖技术重点开放实验室,南海水产研究所
对台湾东风螺(Babylonia lutosa)进行人工繁育试验。试验结果表明,台湾东风螺亲螺在繁殖初期日摄食量为1.5%以上,最高可达3.0%,但繁殖盛期摄食量减少。在人工饲养条件下,利用水泥方砖采卵效果良好。在水温22.5~25.6℃和充气条件下,台湾东风螺受精卵在卵囊内完成胚胎发育破囊孵出的时间为7d,孵化率为95%以上。在水温为24.0~27.5℃、培育密度为0.10个/mL左右时,幼虫壳长生长速度可达18.1μm/d,其生长曲线显示中后期生长加速,成活率为60%以上;幼虫发育至附着变态的平均时间为22d,在铺砂与不铺砂条件下均可附着变态。在水温为25.1~26.5℃、培育密度为2000~2100个/m2时采用无铺砂培育台湾东风螺稚贝,其壳高由1.3mm长至5.5mm,生长速度为0.22mm/d,成活率为29.5%。
关键词:  台湾东风螺(Babylonia lutosa)  人工繁殖  苗种  生长发育
Preliminary studies on artificial propagation and biology of the seed of Babylonia lutosa(Lamarck)
Experiments on artificial propagation of Babylonia lutosa were made in this study. In the early stage of reproduction, the amount of food consumed by the parent with 24 hours was over 1.5% and the highest value was 3.0%. But this number declined in the flourishing stage of reproduction. Under the condition of artificial feeding, effect of using cement quadrel to collect eggs was good. When aerating and the water temperature was between 22.5℃ and 25.6 ℃, the embryo developed and hatched out in 7 days and the rate of hatchability was 95% and higher. When the water temperature was at 24.0~27.5℃ and the culturing density was about 0.10 ind/mL, the growth speed of the shell of larvae can reach 18.1 μm/d and the growth curve showed that larvae grew fast in medium and late terms, and the survival rate was over 60%. The average time for larvae developing to the phase of attachment and metamorphosis was 22 d. The larvae can reach this phase whether the bottom of the ponds with sand or not. Under the conditions of the water temperature at 25.1~26.5℃, the culturing density about 2000~2100 ind/m2 and the juvenile mollusk cultured in ponds without sand on the bottom, the growth speed of the height of the shell was 0.22 mm/d and the survival rate was 29.5% when larvae grew from 1.3 mm to 5.5 mm.
Key words:  Babylonia lutosa  artificial propagation  seed  growth and development
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