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引用本文:蒲晓强,钟少军,刘 飞,徐丽君,瞿成利,刘 刚,陶小晚.冷扩散法提取沉积物中的酸可溶硫化物及其在中国边缘海区的应用[J].海洋科学,2006,30(11):93-96.
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蒲晓强1,2,3, 钟少军1, 刘 飞1, 徐丽君1, 瞿成利1, 刘 刚1, 陶小晚1
1.中国科学院 海洋研究所;2.中国科学院 研究生院;3.广东海洋大学
关键词:  沉积物  冷扩散法  酸可溶硫化物(AVS)  中国边缘海
A cold diffusion method to analyse acid volatile sulfide and its application to analysis of sediments in the Chinese marginal seas
In order to study rapidly and efficiently the acid volatile sulfide(AVS) in the sediments of the Chinese marginal seas, a cold diffusion method was imported. AVS in a set of sulfide resolutions with different volumes was analyzed by diffusion method and the data of AVS have a good relationship with the volumes of solution. It illustrates the good AVS extraction efficiency of cold diffusion method. This method was used in the analysis of shallow and surface sediments in the different Chinese marginal seas. The AVS value range is 0.4~120.1μmol/g, 0~11.1 μmol/g, and <1μmol/g in the areas of Jiaozhou Bay, the Yellow Sea, the South China Sea, respectively. These results show that the distribution of AVS in sediments is quite different in different sea areas. It gets a good application to the research of AVS in the areas of the Chinese marginal seas and it accords with the general rule of AVS distribution in different sediment deposit environments. So, the cold diffusion method, as an effective AVS separating method, is deserved being used and generalized in the future research.
Key words:  sediments  cold diffusion method  acid volatile sulfide(AVS)  Chinese marginal seas
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