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何海伦1,2, 陈利琴3, 宋金宝1
1.中国科学院 海洋研究所;2.中国科学院 研究生院;3.中国航天科工集团第六研究院41 所
对Drimer,Agnon及Segre研发的数值波浪水槽 (简称DAS),首先通过修正DAS中某些积分计算的错误,建立了第一个修正模型(MDAS1),使得模型更加准确稳定。其次,将DAS模型自由表面线性 元近似替换为更为合理准确的三阶元近似,建立了第二个修正模型(MDAS2),使得模型计算的波面更合理可靠。平底水槽中波群的生成及传播算例表明:与 DAS结果相比,MDAS1对波面没有显著影响,而采用三阶元的MDAS2对波面有显著影响。与Hansen和Svendsen的实测资料相比较证实了两 个修正模型的有效
关键词:  数值波浪水槽  边界元方法  波群  完全非线性水波  
Improvement on a 2D numerical wave tank
A two dimensional numerical wave tank which was established by Drimer and Agnon, and modified by Segre(referred to as DAS model) was further improved. Firstly, we modified the error in the computations of the integrals in the DAS model and established the first modified model(referred as MDAS1 model), it made the model more stable.Secondly, we improved the model by using the cubic element in the free surface and established the second modified model(referred as MDAS2 model), it made the model’s results more reasonable. Using the three models to simulate the generation and propagation of wave groups over the flat bottom in a wave tank, the results show that compared with the DAS model, MDAS1 changed the wave profiles a little while the MDAS2 changed obviously. Comparisons with the Hansen and Svendsen’s experimental data show the validity of the two modified models.
Key words:  numerical wave tank  boundary element method  wave group  fully nonlinear water waves  
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