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引用本文:李建生,胡?? 芬,程家骅.长江口水域春季鱼卵仔鱼分布及其与温度盐度的关系[J].海洋科学,2007,31(4):16-21.
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李建生1, 胡?? 芬1, 程家骅1
农业部海洋与河口渔业重点开放实验室, 中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所
利用2003年春季在长江口水域进行调查的数据,对该水域的 鱼卵仔鱼的种类组成和数量分布、表层水温、盐度的分布特征以及它们之间的关系进行了研究。结果表明:共捕获鱼卵仔鱼13种,出现率为81.25%。鱼卵出 现站位资源密度(CPUE)为1~760粒/网,平均每网采获鱼卵63.6粒;仔稚鱼出现站位CPUE为1~174尾/网,平均每网捕获仔稚鱼18.75 尾。按照表层温度、盐度的变化,该水域可分为高温低盐、低温高盐、低温低盐三个区。鱼卵出现水域主要集中在高温低盐区;而仔稚鱼在长江口水域广有分布,但 主要出现水域是高温低盐和低温低盐区控制的近岸水域,在远离海岸的低温高盐区仅有少量的分布。
关键词:  长江口  鱼卵仔鱼  资源密度(CPUE)  表层水温  表层盐度  
Distributions of fish eggs and juveniles and relations between surface layer water temperature and salinity of the Yangtze estuary water area in spring
The paper studied species composition and quantity distributions of fish eggs and juveniles, distribution characters of surface water temperature and salinity and relation between them based on the data of fishery resources survey in the Yangtze estuary water area in April 2003. The result indicated: there are 13 kinds of fish eggs and juveniles, their appearance rate is 81.25%. The CPUE of fish eggs appearance is between 1 and 760 grains per net, its average catch per unit effort(CPUE) is 63.6; The CPUE of fish juveniles appearance is between 1 and 174 grains per net, its average CPUE is 18.75. The water area is compartmentalized to three sections, which are high temperature and low salinity section, low temperature and high salinity section, low temperature and low salinity section. The fish eggs in focus appearance were in high temperature and low salinity, but fish juveniles were in wide appearance in the water area, its main appearance areas were in shore water area of high temperature and low salinity section and low temperature and low salinity section, they only have little quantity in off coast water area of low temperature and high salinity section.
Key words:  the Yangtze estuary  fish eggs and juveniles  catch per unit effort(CPUE)  surface layer water temperature  surface layer salinity  
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