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严利平1, 李圣法1, 凌建忠1, 郑元甲1
中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所, 农业部海洋与河口渔业重点开放实验室
根据东海区2000年和2001年底拖网调查所获取的乌贼渔 获物组成、各种类出现频率、分布站点和质量资料,分析了东海区经济乌贼类资源结构和优势种的空间分布。结果表明,东海区经济乌贼类优势种较20世纪90年 代以前发生了很大变化,金乌贼(Sepia esculenta)、神户乌贼(Sepia kobiensis)已替代曼氏无针乌贼(Sepiella maindroni)成为资源最丰富的种类,为东海区重要的捕捞对象,目前乌贼渔获组成结构相对稳定;经济乌贼类集群已由春季变为秋冬季,密集分布区由近 海浅水区变为外海深水区,但金乌贼和神户乌贼的地理分布存在差异。
关键词:  东海区  乌贼  资源结构  优势种  空间分布  
Study on the resource alteration of commercial cuttlefish in the East China Sea
The paper analyzed the resource structure of cuttlefish and spatial distribution of dominant species based on the data of cuttle fish catch composition and frequency of species occurrence and weight of bottom trawl survey in the East China Sea from 2000 to 2001. The results showed that the dominant species of cuttlefish in the East China Sea have a great change compared with the domiant species of cuttlefish 1990’s before, Sepia esculenta and Sepia kobiensis had replaced Sepiella maindroni and become the most abundant and important fished species;now the composing structurs of cuttlefish are relatively stable. The time of commercial cuttlefish gathering has altered from spring to autumn-winter and gathering area has altered from shallow inshore waters to deep waters of the open seas, but there was some difference in geography distributions of S.esculenta and S.kobiensis.
Key words:  the East China Sea  cuttlefish  resource structure  dominant species  spatial distribution  
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