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刘晓娟1, 李爱芬1, 段舜山1
研究了不同辐照强度的UV-B辐射对绿色巴夫藻 (Pavlova viridis Tseng)生长、光合色素和两种抗氧化酶的影响。结果表明,(1)低强度辐射处理的绿色巴夫藻在正常培养后生长有所恢复,经辐照强度为2μW/cm2的 UV-B处理的藻在培养第10天的吸光度与对照接近,大于6μW/cm2的UV-B处理的藻基本无法恢复生长;(2)处理组叶绿素a(Chla)含量均低 于对照,且随辐射强度的增大不断下降,辐照强度为12μW/cm2处理组比对照下降了85.20%;(3)类胡萝卜素(CAR)含量和超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)活性均随辐射强度的增大先升高后下降,最高含量分别比对照提高了38.55%和49.41%;(4)过氧化物酶(POD)活性随辐射强度的增大 不断升高,辐照强度为12μW/cm2处理组是对照的7.98倍。UV-B辐射对绿色巴夫藻生长产生了明显的抑制作用,CAR,SOD和POD可能在绿色 巴夫藻抵抗UV-B辐射中起着保护作用。
关键词:  UV-B辐射  绿色巴夫藻(Pavlova viridis Tseng)  光合色素  抗氧化酶  
Effects of UV-B radiation on growth and antioxidant enzyme of Pavlova viridis
Effects of different UV-B radiation intensiies on growth, photosynthetic pigments and antioxidant enzymes were studied on Pavlova viridis Tseng. The results are as follows, (1) Lower radiation could recover growing during the normal culture after radiation treatments, P. viridis could catch up with the control on the tenth day under 2 μW/cm2, the growth of P. viridis higher radiation(>6 μW/cm2) could not recover growing; (2) The content of Chla was lower than the control’s, decreased as increasing radiation intensity, the content of Chla was 85.20% decrease of the control’s under 12 μW/cm2; (3) The contents of carotenoid and superoxide dismutase(SOD) firstly increased and then decreased as the radiation intensity enhanced, the highest contents were 38.55% and 49.41% respectively higher than the control’s; (4) The contents of peroxidase (POD) increased as the increased radiation intensity, the content of POD was 7.98 times of the control’s under 12 μW/cm2. Chla content decreased under UV-B radiation, carotenoid, SOD and POD may protect P. viridis from UV-B radiation.
Key words:  UV-B radiation  Pavlova viridis  photosynthetic pigment  antioxidant enzyme  
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