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引用本文:孙菽蔚,王子峰,岳海东,肖 天.一株海洋几丁质酶产生菌的筛选及其产酶条件的初步研究[J].海洋科学,2007,31(5):10-16.
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孙菽蔚1, 王子峰1,2, 岳海东1, 肖 天1
从胶州湾的海泥中分离到一株几丁质酶高产菌株。经 16SrDNA序列分析,认为该菌属于假交替单胞菌(Pseudoaltermonas),并将其命名为SS01。对该菌产几丁质酶的最佳培养条件进行了 研究,发现与其它几丁质酶产生菌相比,SS01菌株的最适产酶温度较低,酶活较高。在Zobell2216E培养基中,SS01菌株培养9h进入稳定期。 胶体几丁质可诱导该菌几丁质酶的产生。在几丁质培养基中,SS01菌株产酶的适宜条件是:培养温度24℃,培养基起始pH7.0左右,蛋白胨为N源 (5g/L),胶体几丁质为C源(5g/L),170r/min振荡培养130h,酶活可达116.2U/mL。
关键词:  海洋细菌  假交替单胞菌(Pseudoaltermonas)  几丁质酶  培养条件
Screening of chitinase-producing marine bacterial strains and preliminary studies on chitinase-producing conditions
A marine bacterial strain exhibited high chitinase throughput was newly isolated from sea mud samples in Jiaozhou Bay. Based on its 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, the bacterial strain was identified as Pseudoaltermonas sp. and named SS01. Culture conditions for the bacterail strain to produce chitinase were investigated. In Zobell 2216E medium, strain SS01 reached its stationary phase within 9 hours. The optimal temperature for strain SS01 to produce chitinase was lower than that for other bacteria. The optimal conditions for strain SS01 to produce chitinase were as follows: initial pH, 7.0; temperature, 24℃; C source, colloid chitin (5 g/L); N source, pepton (5 g/L) and shaking speed of 170 r/min in 200 mL flask with 50 mL of the liquid medium. Under the optimal culture condition, chitinase activity reached 116.2 U/mL within 5 days.
Key words:  marine bacteria  Pseudoaltermonas sp.  chitinase  cultivation condition
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