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引用本文:侯竹美,王淑军,赵方庆,王宏华,秦 松,崔洪霞.胶州湾产蓝色素海洋链霉菌的初步研究[J].海洋科学,2007,31(5):39-44.
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侯竹美1,2, 王淑军3, 赵方庆1, 王宏华4, 秦 松1, 崔洪霞1
1.中国科学院海洋研究所;2.中国科学院研究生院;3.淮海工学院;4.吉林大学 生命科学学院
在胶州湾沿海采取泥样和水样,从中分离了300余株海洋链 霉菌(marine Streptomyces),并对其生理生化性质作了初步研究,建立了胶州湾海洋链霉菌菌种库。在该菌种库中,约有3%的菌株可产生天然蓝色素。其中一株 海洋链霉菌(marine Streptomyces sp.)M259能够高产天然蓝色素。M259对绿脓杆菌(Pseudomonas areuginosa)、隐球菌(Crytococcal meningitis)有较强的抑菌活性。对其生理生化性质进行了鉴定,结果表明它可以利用可溶性淀粉、甘油、蔗糖、甘露醇、葡萄糖、D-半乳糖、果糖、 阿拉伯糖、肌醇、木糖、D-甘露糖、核糖等碳源;能利用大部分氮源,尤其对酵母粉的利用很显著;最适生长pH为7.0~7.4;最适培养温度为 28~30℃。结果提示它属于蓝色类群,并与天蓝色链霉菌(Streptomyces cyanogenus)和产蓝链霉菌(Streptomyces ceolicolor)亲缘关系最为密切。此外还优化了M259的发酵培养基和培养条件,使得蓝色素在摇瓶条件下,OD590达到7.74。通过对 M259所产蓝色素性质的研究,发现此色素水溶性较强,耐热性较好,在酸性条件下呈红色,在碱性条件下呈蓝色。此外,毒性实验的结果表明所提纯的蓝色素没 有毒性,为进一步开发和利用该色素提供了可能。
关键词:  海洋链霉菌(marine Streptomyces)  蓝色素  毒性实验
Production of natural blue pigment by marine Streptomyces from Jiaozhou Bay
More than 300 marine Streptomyces were isolated from Jiaozhou Bay, 3 percent of which can produce natural blue pigment. Streptomyces sp. M259 strain which can highly produce blue pigment was studied. It can be cultured in the media of M2+, Gao’s number 1, bennett and it has strong anti-bacteria activity to Pseudomonas areuginosa and Crytococcal meningitis. The physiological characteristics showed that it can utilize D-Glucose, D-Mannitol, Maltose, Sucrose, Starch, Glycerol, D-Galactose, Fructose,Arabinose, Inositol, Xylose, D-Mannose and most of nitrogen resources. The result told us that it belonged to the blue group and related to Streptomyces cyanogenus and Streptomyces ceolicolor. The properties of the blue pigment were studied. The results showed that the blue pigment has no odor and is well dissolved in water or methanol. The color of the pigment is red in the acidic condition and blue in the alkaline condition. The composition of fermentation medium and cultural conditions for M259 producing blue pigment were studied and optimized.
Key words:  marine Streptomyces sp.  blue pigment  toxicity test
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