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引用本文:谷 震,李云福,邢光敏,刘路伟,邵铁凡,曹杰英,范朝河,王学敏,苏 利.海湾扇贝原种保持技术研究[J].海洋科学,2007,31(6):1-5.
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谷 震1, 李云福1, 邢光敏1, 刘路伟1, 邵铁凡2, 曹杰英2, 范朝河3, 王学敏3, 苏 利1
利用1998和1999年引进的海湾扇贝 (Argopecten irradians irradians)原种F1进行了连续2 a的原种保持实验,包括实验性及生产性两种规模,并用所得原种F3与对照群体进行比较,以探讨在国内进行原种保持的技术措施。2000年,实验性原种制备 共培育出M贝(来源于Massachusetts州)原种F2330 kg,V贝(来源于Virginia州)原种F2320 kg,生产性原种制备共培育出原种F255 000 kg。2001年,实验性原种制备共培育出M贝原种F3和V贝原种F3均为280 kg,生产性原种制备共培育出原种F315 000 kg,原种F3的肉柱得率(15.42%)明显高于对照组(13.16%),依然保持了引进群体肉柱得率高的特性,因此在国内进行原种保持是可行的。
关键词:  海湾扇贝(Argopecten irradians irradians)  引种  原种
Studies on keeping stock of Bay scallop, Argopecten irradians irradians
Two batches of Argopecten irradians irradians stocks were introduced from USA(Massachusetts and Virginia respectively) to Qinhuangdao, China in 1998 and 1999 respectively. In this paper, to study the technology of keeping stock, their F1 were used to reproduce, and two years’ studies were carried out in experiment and industry levels. The growth traits and economic trait were compared between stock F3 and control. In 2000, productions of F2 stock of M population(introduced from Massachusetts) and V population(introduced from Virginia) were 330 kg and 320 kg respectively in the experiment level. The production of F2 stock was 55 000 kg. In 2001, productions of F3 stock of M population and V population were 280 kg respectively in the experiment level. The production of F3 stock was 15 000 kg. The adductor mussel rate of stock F3(15.42%) was significantly higher than that of control(13.16%), and keeping stock of Bay scallop in China is feasible.
Key words:  Argopecten irradians irradians  introduction  keeping stock
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