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吕华庆1, 宋海棠2
根据1998年和2000年东海北部的营养盐调查资料和相应 的历史资料,以及同期开展的虾类资源调查资料,研究了冬、夏季长江冲淡水的流向以及它对长江口渔场、舟山渔场硅酸盐分布规律和虾类生物量分布规律的影响。 结果表明,长江冲淡水转向的原因可以归纳为4类,夏季长江冲淡水的流动界限由123°E,30.3°N到127.3°E,33°N的直线和由 123°E,31.8°N到127.3°E,34.5°N的直线所围的区域。长江冲淡水给长江口渔场、舟山渔场提供了大量的硅酸盐,对提高该海区的初级生 产力起到了积极的作用,有利于生物的繁衍生息,提高了生物量。最后,用该海区虾类的分布密度证实了由该水团所做出的对生物量的推论。
关键词:  长江冲淡水  硅酸盐  虾类生物量
Study on the relationship between the concentration distributions of the silicate in the Yangtze River Mouth Fishing Area & in Zhoushan Fishing Area and the biomass
Based on the nutrient data sampled in 1998 and 2000 in the northern part of the East China Sea and related historical data, together with the shrimp stock data surveyed in the same period, the flow direction of the Yangtze River Diluted Water of winter and summer seasons and its effects on the silicate distributions and the shrimp biomass distribution in both the Yangtze River Mouth Fishing Area and Zhoushan Fishing Area were studied. Results showed that the causes of the directional change of the Yangtze River Diluted Water could be classified into four types,and that, in summer, the water was roughly limited between the line connecting point(123°E,30.3°N) and point(127.3°E,33°N) and the line connecting point(123°E,31.8°N) and(27.3°E,34.5°N). The Yangtze River Diluted Water supplies the Yangtze River Mouth Fishing Area and Zhoushan Fishing Area with a large quantity of silicate, which facilitated the increase of the primary production and enhanced the reproduction of marine organisms there. At last, we used surveyed shrimp density distribution pattern to verify the biomass deduction derived from the water mass.
Key words:  Yangtze River Diluted Water  silicate  shrimp biomass
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