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引用本文:李 刚,刘小林,黄 皓,崔朝霞.凡纳滨对虾净肉质量的影响因素分析[J].海洋科学,2007,31(6):70-74.
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李 刚1, 刘小林1, 黄 皓2, 崔朝霞3
选择5月龄凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)1 200尾,测定净肉质量、去头质量、全长、体长、第一腹节背高、第三腹节背高、第一腹节背宽和头胸甲长共8个性状,采用相关分析和通径分析的方法,计算了 以形态性状和去头质量为自变量对净肉质量作依变量的通径系数、决定系数及相关指数,定量地分析了形态性状和去头质量对净肉质量的影响效果。研究表明,凡纳 滨对虾6个形态性状和去头质量与净肉质量的相关系数除头胸甲长外均达到极显著水平(P<0.01);所选性状与净肉质量的复相关指数R2=0.958;多元回归分析建立了去头质量、全长、头胸甲长对净肉质量的回归方程,为对虾的良种选育提供了理论依据。
关键词:  凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)  形态性状  生产性能  相关分析
Mathematical analysis of the factors affecting the net weight of Litopenaeus vannamei
The effects of morphometric attributes on net weight for Litopenaeus vannamei were analyzed. Data for this study were collected from five-month-old 1 200 L. vannamei in Banqiao Village of Dongfang City, Hainan Province. The body weight except for head(X1), whole body length(X2), body length(X3), fist first abdominal segment depth(X4), third abdominal segment depth(X5), first abdominal segment width(X6), carapace length(X7) and net weight(Y) were measured. The correlation coefficients among the attributes were calculated. Path coefficient(pi), determination coefficients(di) and correlation index(R2) were calculated in path analysis. The results showed that six correlation coefficients between each morphometric attribute and the weight achieved very significant difference(P<0.01) levels. The path coefficient analysis revealed a truthful relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable. Judging from the result of high correlation index(R2=0.958), the main variables(X1, X2, X7) have been selected. The multiple regression equation of body weight except for head, whole body length, carapace length to the net weight is obtained to estimate the net weight. This paper provides a theoretical tool to measure breeding shrimps in aquaculture.
Key words:  Litopenaeus vannamei  morphometric attribute  correlation analysis
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