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莎日娜1,2, 尹宝树1, 杨德周1, 徐振华1, 程明华1
1.中国科学院 海洋研究所;2.中国科学院 研究生院
基于对POM(Princeton Ocean Model)模式的改进,采用Flather-Heaps干湿网格法和两重网格嵌套的数值计算格式,针对天津近岸海域的地形和易受风暴潮漫滩灾害侵袭的特 点,建立了天津近岸海域三维动边界风暴潮漫滩模型,对天津近岸区域台风影响下的风暴潮漫滩进行了数值模拟研究。选取 7203,8509,9216,9711号典型台风过程,计算了风暴潮漫滩水位变化,通过与塘沽站点实测数据的比较,计算的增水曲线过程与实测结果吻合较 好,基本能够真实反映天津近岸的风暴潮水位变化情况及漫滩范围。研究结果验证了改进POM模式为动边界数值模型并应用于浅海区域是可行性的。
关键词:  风暴潮  漫滩  干湿网格  POM(Princeton Ocean Model)模式  网格嵌套
A numerical study on storm surge and inundation induced by hurricanes in the nearshore of Tianjin
Based on the improvement of POM(Princeton Ocean Model), for the terrian of Tianjin near-shore and the character frequently suffered from the storm surge disasters, three-dimensional storm surge inundation model with dynamic boundary condition within the coastal area of Tianjin is built with the Flather-Heaps dry-wet grid method. Time-series of water level change are computed for hurricane 7203, 8509, 9216 and 9711. Simulation results agree well with the field data measured at Tanggu station, and they properly reflect the water level change and inundation area under storm surge. Given the reasonable work of this paper, it is highly feasible to revise the original POM to a numerical model with dynamic boundary for the shallow water area research.
Key words:  storm surge  inundation  dry-wet grid  Princeton Ocean Model  grid nesting
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