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引用本文:许 刚,宋秀贤,刘 云,董晓丹,俞志明.转炉钢渣对两种对虾幼虾的急性毒性效应[J].海洋科学,2007,31(8):76-79.
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许 刚1,2, 宋秀贤1, 刘 云1, 董晓丹3, 俞志明1
初步研究了一定粒径的转炉钢渣对日本对虾(Penaeus japonicus)幼虾和中国明对虾(Fenneropenaeus chinensis)幼虾的急性毒性效应。实验结果显示,当钢渣质量浓度为1.8 g/L时,日本对虾幼虾96 h的最高死亡率为33.33%;随着钢渣质量浓度的增加,死亡率增高;当钢渣质量浓度为18 g/L时,其96 h的最大死亡率达到了75%。相对于日本对虾幼虾,钢渣质量浓度为18 g/L时中国明对虾幼虾96 h的最高死亡率只有36.67%。运用直线内插法求出钢渣对日本对虾幼虾96 h半致死浓度为1.62 g/L,钢渣对日本对虾的安全浓度为0.162 g/L,而在实验条件下中国明对虾幼虾的半致死浓度要明显高于日本对虾幼虾。
关键词:  转炉钢渣  急性毒性  半致死浓度(LC50)  安全浓度
The acute toxic effect of steelmaking slag on two kinds of larval prawn
The acute toxic effect of one kind of steelmaking slag on marine cultured organisms-larval Penaeus japonicus and Fenneropenaeus chinensis was studied. The results showed the mortality of P. japonicus was 33.33% after 96 h when the concentration of steelmaking slag was 1.8 g/L and its mortality increased corresponding the increasing of steelmaking slag concentration. The highest mortality of larva of P. japonicus was 75% after 96 h when the concentration of steelmaking slag was 18 g/L. Compared with P. japonicus, the highest mortality of larva of F. chinensis was only 36.67% in 96 h. The 96 h LC50 was 1.62 g/L and the safe concentration was 0.162 g/L on larva of P. japonicus. The 96 h LC50 on larva of F. chinensis was greater than that on larva of P. japonicus.
Key words:  steelmaking slag  acute toxic  median lethal concentration(LC50)  safe concentration
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