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引用本文:史雪辉,李 军.超低温保存时间与抗冻剂浓度对真鲷精子质量的影响[J].海洋科学,2007,31(8):85-87.
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史雪辉1, 李 军2
研究了不同浓度的抗冻剂二甲基亚砜(DMSO)和不同保存时 间对真鲷(Pagrus major)冻精质量的影响。试验结果表明,DMSO体积分数和保存时间对冻精的受精率、孵化率影响显著。15%二甲基亚砜作为抗冻剂保存10~60 d的冻精受精率、孵化率与鲜精无差异,而保存360 d的冻精受精率、孵化率开始出现下降。12%,18%,21%DMSO保存60 d的冻精受精率差异不显著,均高于90%,而对于保存360 d的冻精受精率、孵化率均显著地降低。
关键词:  真鲷(Pagrus major)  超低温保存  抗冻剂浓度  二甲基亚砜(DMSO)  保存时间  受精力
The effect of storage time and cryoprotectant concentration on sperm quality of red seabream(Pagrus major)
The present study focused on the effects of the storage time and cryoprotectant concentration on the post-thaw sperm quality in red seabream(Pagrus major). The results demonstrate that cryoprotectant concentration and storage time could significantly influence the fertilization and hatching rates of post-thaw sperm. The fertilization capability of the post-thaw sperm cryopreserved with 15% DMSO for 360 d began to decrease;however, no significant difference was found among 10~60 d cryopreserved sperm. No significant differences were found among 12%~21% DMSO cryoopreserved sperm for 60 d in fertilization capacity, and the fertilization rate was higher than 90%; however, the fertilization capacities of 12%, 18%, 21% DMSO cryopreserved for 360 d were reduced significantly. The effects of the storage time, and cryoprotectant concentration, and their interaction still need further study.
Key words:  red seabream(Pagrus major)  cryopreservation  cryoprotectant concentration  DMSO  storage time  fertilization capacity
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