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周丽青1, 杨爱国1, 刘志鸿1, 王清印1
中国水产科学研究院 黄海水产研究所 农业部海洋渔业资源可持续利用重点开放实验室
为研究某些生化组分与栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)雌性生殖腺成熟情况的关系,在亲贝促熟的后期,对不同积温情况下栉孔扇贝雌性生殖腺中的磷脂、核酸及水分的含量进行测定。结果表明,磷脂 含量、RNA/DNA值及水分含量均随着积温升高(从210℃到300℃)而增加,但成熟的卵子一经产出后,雌性生殖腺中的磷脂含量、RNA/DNA值及 水分含量均降到最低。组织切片的结果表明雌性生殖腺中的卵子在成熟过程中体积明显增大,以至于滤泡中充分成熟的卵子被挤压成不规则形状,细胞核的核膜和核 仁在卵子排出去之前一般都消失。成熟卵子产出后的滤泡中出现空泡,未能排出的卵子部分被滤泡吸收,形态模糊。
关键词:  栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)  积温  雌性生殖腺  磷脂  RNA/DNA值  水分含量
Changes of contents of phospholipid,nucleic acid and water at different stages of accumulative temperature in the female scallop Chlamys farreri gonad
This study was conducted to find the relationship between some biochemical substance contents and ripeness of the gonad of female Chlamys farreri. Changes of the contents of phospholipid, nucleic acid and water in the gonad at different stages of accumulative temperature were analyzed in late period of artificial ripening parent scallops. The results showed that RNA/DNA ratio, content of phospholipid and water increased gradually with the accumulated temperature increasing(from 210 to 300℃), but reduced dramatically after the eggs were spawned. The result of tissue slices showed that the eggs in the follicles became larger and larger so that they were extruded to be abnormal shapes, the nucleus membrane and nucleolus of mature eggs disappeared; vacuoles apeared in the follicles after mature eggs were laid out, and the residual eggs were assimilated by the follicles, at the same time, their shapes became blurry.
Key words:  Chlamys farreri  accumulated temperature  female gonad  phospholipid  RNA/DNA ratio  water content
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