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引用本文:陆荣茂,张永普,林志华,柴雪良,董迎辉,肖国强,张炯明,方 军.小荚蛏的核型分析[J].海洋科学,2007,31(9):34-38.
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陆荣茂1, 张永普2, 林志华1, 柴雪良1, 董迎辉1, 肖国强1, 张炯明1, 方 军1
1.浙江省海洋水产养殖研究所;2.温州大学 生命与环境科学学院
以小荚蛏(Siliqua minimai Gmelin)担轮幼虫为材料,采用热滴片法进行染色体制备和核型分析。结果表明,小荚蛏二倍体染色体数目为2n=38,核型公式为 2n=12m+14sm+10st+2t,染色体臂数(NF)=64,未发现性染色体和随体。与已经研究的大竹蛏、缢蛏和长竹蛏相比,小荚蛏核型更不对 称,st/t类型数量更多,推测小荚蛏较为原始。用类平均法对它们进行聚类分析,结果小荚蛏与它们的亲缘关系最远。
关键词:  小荚蛏(Siliqua minimai Gmelin)  染色体  核型
The preliminary study on karyotype of Siliqua minimai Gmelin
The karytype of Siliqua minimai was studied on its trochophore by means of hot-dropping method. The diploid chromosome number of S. minimai is 2n=38 and the karytype can be described by 12m+14sm+10st+2t with NF=64. The sex chromosomes and the satellites were not found. Compared with Solen grandis, Sinonovacula constricta and Solen strictus, the karyotype of S. minimai is more dissymmetrical and subtelocentric(st) and telocentric(t) type of chromosome number, so it was suggested that S. minimai is more primitive. The clustering analysis was made by group mean method among them and the result showed that there was the farthest relationship between S. minimai and other species.
Key words:  Siliqua minimai Gmelin  chromosome  karyotype
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