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引用本文:许 强,杨红生,王 红,高 菲.桑沟湾养殖栉孔扇贝食物来源研究——脂肪酸标志法[J].海洋科学,2007,31(9):78-84.
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许 强1,2, 杨红生1, 王 红1,2, 高 菲1,2
1.中国科学院 海洋研究所;2.中国科学院 研究生院
运用脂肪酸标志法分析了桑沟湾养殖栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)春、夏季食物来源组成。结果表明,桑沟湾养殖栉孔扇贝饵料组成中含有硅藻类、细菌、大型绿藻类、鞭毛藻类等饵料来源,且各种饵料来源比例 具有较显著的季节变化。采样期间硅藻脂肪酸标志16:1/16:0(相对质量分数比,下同)从0.91降至0.45,表明扇贝硅藻类饵料来源比例呈逐渐下 降趋势;细菌脂肪酸标志18:1n-7/18:1n-9比值从0.31升至0.90,奇数碳、支链脂肪酸相对质量分数从2.15%升至3.28%,表明扇 贝细菌类饵料来源比例呈逐渐上升趋势;绿藻脂肪酸标志Σ(18:2n-6+18:3n-3)质量分数从2.78%升至5.77%,表明大型绿藻来源有机质 饵料比例逐渐上升。栉孔扇贝脂肪酸组成中较高比例的DHA表明扇贝摄取了富含DHA的有机质,如鞭毛藻类、微型浮游动物等。栉孔扇贝食物来源的季节变化很 可能是由水体中潜在食物来源的季节变化所导致。
关键词:  脂肪酸标志法  栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)  食物来源
Food sources of cultured scallop Chlamys farreri in Sanggou Bay: indicated by fatty acid biomarkers
Food sources of scallop Chlamys farreri cultured in Sanggou Bay from February to August (2006) were determined using fatty acid biomarkers. Scallop’s diet consisted of diatoms, bacteria, flagellate and seaweed (Chlorophyta) originated organic matters. Diatom biomarker 16:1/16:0 declined from 0.91 to 0.45, which indicated that diatom food source declined during the sampling period; bacterial biomarkers 18:1n-7/18:1n-9 and odd & branched fatty acids increased from 0.31 and 2.15% to 0.90 and 3.28% respectively, which indicated the increase of bacterial food source in scallop’s diet. Chlorophyta biomarker Σ(18:2n-6+18:3n-3) increased from 2.78% to 5.77%, and it was suggested that the scallop may ingested some amount of organic matters derived of Chlorophyta in warm season. High level of 22:6n-3 (DHA) biomarker indicated that the scallop probably ingested food sources rich in DHA, such as flagellates, micro-zooplankton, larvae and eggs. Seasonal changes of scallop’s diet probably was caused by the variation of potential food sources in the water.
Key words:  fatty acid biomarker  Chlamys farreri  food source
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