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引用本文:刘 勇,李圣法,陈学刚,程家骅.东、黄海2000年冬季底层鱼类群落结构及其多样性[J].海洋科学,2007,31(10):19-24.
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刘 勇1,2, 李圣法1, 陈学刚3, 程家骅1
1.农业部海洋与河口渔业重点开放实验室, 中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所;2.华东师范大学河口海岸国家重点实验室;3.青岛市黄岛区渔业技术推广站
根据2000年12月~2001年1月东、黄海冬季底层鱼类 资源调查资料,分析了该海域的鱼类群落结构。本次调查共捕获鱼类4716.72kg,395796尾,138种。其中,暖水种(WW)居第1位,有81 种,占60.00%;暖温种(WT)次之,有53种,占39.26%;冷温种(CT)最少,只有1种,占0.74%。全调查海域的优势种(相对重要性指数 QIRI大于500)有5种:带鱼、黄鲫、发光鲷、小黄鱼和鳀;与历史资料相比,优势种个体变小、有被小型鱼类更替的趋势。以质量计算的多样性指数(种类 丰富度指数D,Shannon-Wiener多样度指数HW,种类均匀度指数JW)呈现由北至南逐渐递增的趋势,而以尾数计算的多样性指数(HN,JN)呈现东海北部最高,东海中部次之,黄海南部最低的趋势。生物多样性指数中除种类丰富度指数(D)与水深、海水表温、表层盐度都呈显著性正相关 外,而其它生物多样性指数与前述3种环境因子之间的相关性都不显著。单因素方差分析表明,东海北部和中部渔获组成和生物多样性指数都无显著性差别。
关键词:  东海  黄海  底层鱼类  群落结构  多样性
The structure and diversity of demersal fish communities in winter 2000 in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea
Studies on the characteristics of fish community structure and diversity are conducted, based on data from bottom trawl surveys from December 2000 to January 2001 in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea. A total catch of 4 716.72 kg, 395 796 individuals comprising 138 species of fishes is composed of warm-water(60.00%), and warm-temperate(39.26%) and cold-temperate(0.74%) species. The species of fish with index of relative importance(QIRI) over 500 is defined as dominant species, a total of 5 species that are Trichiurus haumala, Setipinna taty, Acropoma japonicum, Pseudosciaena polyactis, Engraulis japonicus; Compared to the history data, there was a trend of body decreasing and been subrogated by little fishes in the dominant species. Three diversity indexes which are species richness index(D), Shannon-Wiener index(H’),species evenness index(J’) are used to analyze the characteristics of species diversity of the fish communities. All the biodiversity indexes calculated by weight(D, HN, JN) were increasing from north to south; and the indexes calculated by individuals(HN, JN) showed the regulation: high in the north of the East China Sea, middle in the middle of the East China Sea and low in the south of the Yellow Sea. All indexes are correlated with water depth in positive significance, but uncorrelated with water temperature and salinity of the surface. The results of one-factor analysis of variance showed that there were no statistics differences between the north of the East China Sea and the middle of it both in fishery catches and in biodiversity indexes.
Key words:  the East China Sea  the Yellow Sea  demersal fish  structure of community  diversity
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