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引用本文:刘贤德,刘 晓,张国范.皱纹盘鲍杂交F1AFLP标记偏分离现象初析[J].海洋科学,2007,31(10):70-76.
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刘贤德1,2, 刘 晓1, 张国范1
运用AFLP标记技术对皱纹盘鲍(Haliotis discus hannai Ino)及杂交F1代共86个个体进行分析,检测了32对AFLP引物组合,共产生2688个AFLP片段,平均每个引物组合产生84个片 段。在子代中分离的片段有483个,包括母本标记230个,父本标记135个,双亲本共有的标记118个。卡方检验表明167个母本和100个父本标记符 合1∶1的孟德尔分离比例,78个标记符合3∶1的分离比例,其偏分离比例分别达到27.4%,25.9%和33.9%。本研究发现无论是雌性还是雄性偏 分离标记都主要是纯合子过剩,初步推测造成偏分离的原因可能与两个鲍鱼群体的某些基因不兼容有关。
关键词:  皱纹盘鲍(Haliotis discus hannai Ino)  AFLP  偏分离
Genetic analysis of segregation distortion of AFLP markers in an F1 population of the Pacific abalone
Using AFLP markers,we analyzed the F1hybrid family of Pacific abalone including 86 individuals, 32 AFLP primer combinations were selected from 120 AFLP primer combinations. Totally 2688 AFLP fragments were produced in the parents and the F1 family. Among which, 483 were segregation fragments including 230 female, 135 male and 118 common markers. Chi test showed that 167 female and 100 male markers were in agreement with the Mendelian 1∶1 ratio(P≥0.01), and 78 markers were in agreement with the 3∶1 ratio(P≥0.01). The ratios of segregation distortion were 27.4%, 25.9% and 33.9%, respectively. Analysis of the high ratio of segragation distortion indicated that both female and male distorted markers were homozygote excess. We hypothesized that the segregation distortion may be associated with the incompatibility of genes between the two population of abalones in this study.
Key words:  Pacific abalone  AFLP  segregation distortion
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