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张建设1, 吴常文2, 常抗美2, 苏永全1
1.厦门大学 海洋学系;2.浙江海洋学院 海科学院
用组织学和免疫学方法对曼氏无针乌贼(Sepiella maindroni)的血细胞进行形态观察和免疫活性研究。根据血细胞大小和美兰染色结果,将曼氏无针乌贼的血细胞分为2类:较小的血细胞圆形,直径 7.65~8.28μm,细胞核卵圆形,核质比约0.66,约占细胞总数的45.3%;较大的血细胞圆形,直径9.58~10.42μm,细胞核肾形,核 质比约0.40,有些细胞具双核,约占细胞总数的54.7%。饥饿乌贼血细胞数量较正常乌贼有明显下降(t-检验,P<0.05),较大血细胞的比 例有所上升,可达70%。细菌吞噬试验结果表明,较小血细胞对细菌无吞噬能力,而较大血细胞具有较强的细菌吞噬能力。饥饿组曼氏无针乌贼血细胞吞噬活力稍 低,但并无显著差别(t-检验,P>0.05)。对曼氏无针乌贼血细胞形态和功能的研究,为探索曼氏无针乌贼免疫防御机理提供了基础资料。
关键词:  曼氏无针乌贼(Sepiella maindroni)  血细胞  形态观察  吞噬活性
Morphologic observation and phagocytosis property of the haemocytes of Sepiella maindroni
Morphological and phagocytosis properties of the haemocytes of the cuttlefish Sepiella maindroni were studied by histology and immunology methods. The results showed that the haemocytes of the S. maindroni could be divided into two types according to the characteristics of the haemocytes: the lesser haemocytes with the diameter of 7.65~8.28 μm, were round, the nucleolus were also round, surrounded by relatively small cytoplasms, there were little granules in cytoplast, the ratio of nucleus/cytoplasm (N/C) was higher (0.66 ± 0.10), and the proportion of haemocytes was 45.3% in the total haemocytes; the biggish haemocytes with the size of 9.58~10.42μm, were round, there were much granules in the endoplasm and the N /C ratio was lower (0. 40±0.06), some of the granulocytes had double nuclei, and the proportion of granulocytes was 54.7% in the total haemocytes. The density of haemocytes of starved S. maindroni was lower than that of the control ones (t- test, P<0.05), the ratio of the biggish haemocytes to lesser haemocytes was rising to 70%. The phagocytosis test of haemocytes was performed at 22.5℃. It was shown that only the biggish haemocytes had the phagocytic ability to Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. There was no difference between control and starved S. maindroni by the t-test (P>0.05). This study laid the foundation for the research of immunity defence mechanism of S. maindroni.
Key words:  Sepiella maindroni  haemocyte  morphologic observation  phagocytosis
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