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引用本文:刘亚林,韩笑天,白 洁,郑 立,刘洁生,杨维东,邹景忠.脉冲式营养盐输入对中肋骨条藻生长的影响[J].海洋科学,2008,32(2):51-55.
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刘亚林1,2, 韩笑天2, 白 洁1, 郑 立3, 刘洁生4, 杨维东4, 邹景忠2
脉冲输入营养盐是陆源输入营养盐的一种方式。用室内模拟脉冲 营养盐输入的方法,研究了脉冲营养盐输入对于典型赤潮藻中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)生长的影响。结果发现脉冲输入营养盐对于中肋骨条藻生长有明显的影响,营养盐脉冲输入的频率和中肋骨条藻生长波动的频率相同。每天输入 一次营养盐中肋骨条藻出现藻密度峰值的时间要比每5天输入一次营养盐和每10天输入一次营养盐的中肋骨条藻要滞后,而且藻密度峰值也比后两种情况低。对于 3种营养盐的吸收速率而言,每10天输入一次营养盐的中肋骨条藻的吸收速率最大,其次是每天输入一次营养盐的中肋骨条藻,最小的是每5天输入一次营养盐的 中肋骨条藻;3种营养盐脉冲输入模式下,每5天输入一次营养盐的中肋骨条藻对于N盐和Si盐的营养需求最少。
关键词:  营养盐  脉冲输入  中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)  营养盐吸收速率  
Effect of pulsed nutrient supply on the growth of a HAB diatom Skeletonema costatum
This study was to elucidate whether phytoplankton growth could be influenced by an environmental fluctuation such as a pulsed nutrient supply. A HAB diatom Skeletonema costatum introduced to the model. It was shown that characteristic responses to different intervals of nutrient supply. S. costatum showed large fluctuations in cell density in response to pulses of nutrients, and the frequency of fluctuation in cell density equals the frequency of nutrient pulsed supply. The maximum of cell density of S. costatum under 1 day’s nutrient pulsed is lower than cell density under 5 days’ nutrient pulsed or 10 days’ nutrient pulsed. And the time that gets to the max cell density under 1 days’ nutrient pulsed is later than the time under 5 days’ nutrient pulsed or 10 days’ nutrient pulsed.Furthermore, the average uptake rate of nutrients under 10 days’ nutrient pulsed is the largest among 3 different nutrient pulsed supply modes, and the average uptake rate of nutrients under 5 days’ nutrient pulsed is the least among these, especially on the nitrate and silicate.
Key words:  nutrient  pulsed supply  Skeletonema costatum  the uptake rate  
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