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衣华鹏1, 张鹏宴2, 毕继胜3, 仲少云1
海岸带是全球环境变化最为敏感的地区之一,其防护林建设可以 引起多种资源与生态过程的改变。随着人口的增加以及经济的发展,对海岸带的开发不断加剧,建设生态功能完备、景观优美的海岸带防护林生态体系,具有防风固 沙、减轻风暴潮与盐雾的危害、降盐改土等生态效应。分析了烟台海岸带防护林体系建设现状与景观生态存在问题,提出了海岸带防护林景观生态建设的思路与技术 措施。
关键词:  海岸带防护林  生态环境效应  景观生态  烟台市  
The effect on eco-environment and construction of landscape ecology of coastal shelterbelt system of Yantai
Coastal zone is one of the regions sensitive to global environment change. Most of the physical phenomena and ecological changes in coastal zone were caused by the construction of the coastal shelterbelt system. With the increase of population and development of economy in the coastal zone of Yantai, the exploitations on coastal zone become more intensive. Building the ecological system of coastal shelterbelt system with completing ecological function and beautiful landscape will have an ecologically notable effect. The ecological effects of the coastal protection forest on breaking the wind, fixing the quicksand,lightening the harms of storm tide and salt spray and reducing salt content of soil in the coastal zone in Yantai city were discussed in this paper. Based on the construction situation and existing problems of the coastal defense forest system, the thought and technical measures for landscape ecological construction were proposed.
Key words:  coastal protection forest  effect on the eco-environment  landscape ecology  Yantai city  
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