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引用本文:肖志忠,郑 炯,于道德,李 军.条石鲷早期发育的形态特征[J].海洋科学,2008,32(3):25-30.
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肖志忠1, 郑 炯2, 于道德1,3, 李 军1
条石鲷(Oplegnathus fasciatus Temminck et Schlegel 1844)的受精卵为球形浮性卵,卵径为0.79~0.90 mm,无色透明,油球一个,卵黄靠近动物极有龟裂结构。在22℃±0.5℃,盐度为30的条件下,卵子授精后31 h仔鱼孵出。初孵仔鱼全长1.66~2.20 mm,在背鳍膜的前边缘上有4~5个星状黑色素;1日龄仔鱼全长1.83~2.32 mm,背鳍膜上黑色素异常明显;2日龄仔鱼,胸鳍原基出现,尾部鳍膜中间开始出现放射丝;3日龄仔鱼,背鳍膜上黑色素消失,上下颌开启,部分仔鱼开口摄 食;4日龄仔鱼,卵黄囊吸收殆尽,鳔原基出现;5日龄仔鱼,胸鳍可垂直向外伸展,上下颌开启频繁;12日龄仔鱼,具有集群和趋光性;20日龄仔鱼,体前部 呈黑色,在水中分散均匀,摄食旺盛。25日龄稚鱼,全长6.55~8.42 mm,体前部开始出现黑色条带痕迹;30日龄稚鱼,头部眼的上缘由一横带,鱼体体侧出现3条黑褐色的横条带。40日龄幼鱼,全长15.50~35.55 mm,鱼体体型与成鱼相似,体侧有6~7条黑褐色的横条带。通过对条石鲷早期发育的形态学观察,了解其卵胚及仔稚的发育规律和种属的特异性,不仅可以丰富 我们对鱼类早期生活史的认识,而且对进一步进行条石鲷的生产育苗起到积极的推进作用。
关键词:  条石鲷(Oplegnathus fasciatus Temminck et Schlegel 1844)  胚胎  仔鱼  稚鱼  幼鱼  
Developmental characters at the early stayes of the Japanese Parrotfish(Oplegnathus fasciatus)
郑 炯,李 军
The morphological characters of embryo, larva, juvenile and fingerling stages of Japanese parrotfish(Oplegnathus fasciatus) were described. We obtained the fertilized eggs by the artifical fertilization. The fertilized eggs were spherical, separate and buoyant with a diameter of 0.79~0.90 mm, containing a bright yellow lipid globule ranged 0.15~0.20 mm of the diameter. There was a chap on the yolk at the animal pole.At 22℃±0.5℃ and salinity 30, the first cleavage takes place about 45 min after fertilization, the embryo developed to the stages of blastula, gastrulation, cephalization, tail lift, heart beat, hatching at 272 min, 441 min, 896 min, 1 393 min, 1 560 min and 1 876 min after fertilization. The total length of the newly-hatched larvae ranged from 1.66 mm to 2.20 mm. There were 4~5 black melanophores on the dorsal fin drap, which disappeared in 3-day-old larva. The formation of the cross-band commenced with the larva of about 6mm in total length about or 20-day-old larva, and completed at about 20mm or about 40 days after hatching at the water temperatures of 22℃±0.5℃. Through the morphological observation of early development of Oplegnathus fasciatus, we could have a basic knowledge about the developmental rules and its spieces-specific characteristics of this species, therefore, it not only could amplify our knowledge about the early life history of fish, but also could direct our fry production industry of Oplegnathus fasciatus.
Key words:  Oplegnathus fasciatus  embry  larva  juvenile  fingerling  
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