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引用本文:周从直,赵素丽,谯 华.珊瑚岛礁淡水透镜体的生物修复研究[J].海洋科学,2008,32(4):68-73.
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周从直1, 赵素丽1, 谯 华1
运用半模理论,研制了高1.2m、直径1.5m的半圆柱体实验平台,对受到有机污染的珊瑚岛礁淡水透镜体进行原位曝气生物修复研究。研究了溶解氧(Dissolved Oxygen ,DO)在地下水中的分布规律及脱色和化学耗氧量(Chemical oxygen demand, COD)的去除效果。结果表明:(1)径向上, 在主流区半径R为0.2~0.5m的范围内,DO的质量浓度随R的增大而增大。R>0.5m ,DO的质量浓度随R的增大而降低。垂向上,DO的质量浓度随高度的增大而迅速增大。(2)地下水色度和COD均随曝气时间的增加而降低,色度为40度、COD为96mg/L的原水,曝气18d后,色度均不超过15度,曝气30d后,色度不超过10度,COD为21~36mg/L。以色度不超过15度作为修复的标准,修复区半径R达0.7m,修复区高度H为0.9m。(3)修复1m3的上述原水和1.3m3土壤所需的空气量约为211m3
关键词:  珊瑚岛礁  淡水透镜体  生物修复
基金项目:总后勤部基金项目(总后[ 2004 ]后司字第56 号)
Bioremediation research of freshwater lens in a coral island
Semi-cylinder experiment platform of 1.2m high and 1.5mdiameter was developed by applying semi-module theory and bio-restore of freshwater lens contaminated by organic pollutant was conducted insitu in a coral island. DO(Dissolved Oxygen) distribution character in underground water and de-colorization, COD(Chemical oxygen demand) removal effect were studied. The results showed: (1) On the radial direction, DO increased with radius R between 0.2m and 0.5m of R in the main current area, but reduced with R increasing in the R>0.5m area. On the vertical direction, DO increased rapidly with height H. (2) Both color and COD of the water reduced with aeration time increasing, the color didn’t exceed 15 after 18-day aeration, and the color didn’t exceed 10 and COD was between 21~36 mg/L after 30-day aeration for the raw water with color 40 and COD 96 mg/L. Taking color≤15 as a bioremediation standard, the radius and the height of bioremediation area were 0.7m and 0.9m respectively. (3) The gas volume needed was about 211 m3 to bio-restore the raw water of 1m3 and soil polluted of 1.3m3.
Key words:  coral island  freshwater lens  bioremediation
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