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王东启1, 陈振楼1, 许世远1
通过对长江口水下沉积物-水界面可溶态无机氮(DIN= NO3-+ NO2-+ NH4+)的交换行为研究发现,低潮时近口点(A)沉积物是水体DIN 的汇(?2 006.99 μmol/(m2 ? h)),而靠近口外点(B)沉积物是水体DIN 的源(1 848.27 μmol/(m2 ? h))。但高潮时,A 点沉积物转变为水体DIN 的源(1 880.97 μmol/(m2 ? h)),而B点的沉积物转变成为DIN 的汇(?956.64 μmol/(m2 ? h))。在距河口较远高低潮盐度变化微弱的地点(P),沉积物始终是水体DIN 的源(1 872.41 μmol/(m2 ? h))。高低潮海水盐度的变化对沉积物中微生物活动的影响是导致这一变化的主要原因。
关键词:  长江口  沉积物-水界面  可溶态无机氮  盐度  交换通量
Study on the exchange flux of the DIN through the sediment-water interface in the Yangtze Estuary
By studying on the exchange behavior of the dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN= NO3-+ NO2-+ NH4+) through the sediment-water interface in the Yangtze Estuary, we find that the sediments, which near the mouth (A), are the sink of the DIN during the low tide, interface flux is ?2 006.99μmol/(m2 ? h). And in the further location (B), the sediment is the source of the DIN, interface flux is 1 948.27μmol/ (m2 ? h). While during the high tide, the sediment in the A becomes into the source of the DIN (1 880.97μmol/ (m2 ? h)), and in the B, it changes into the sink (?956.64μmol/ (m2 ? h). In the furthest site (P), where the salinity varies little between the low tide and high tide, the sediment is the source of the DIN all the time, interface flux is 1 872.41μmol/(m2 ? h). Variety of the seawater salinity affects the activity of the sediment microbe, and this is the main cause of this transformation.
Key words:  Yangtze Estuary  sediment-water interface  DIN  salinity  exchange flux
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