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宋召军1, 黄海军2, 王珍岩2, 严立文2, 樊建勇3
利用1999~2000 年条子泥岸滩剖面实测数据和1982~1983 年东沙沙滩剖面资料, 分析了条子泥岸滩和东沙沙滩剖面的冲淤变化。结果表明, 条子泥陆侧岸滩剖面的季节性变化特点是夏季侵蚀, 冬季淤积; 东沙沙脊年际变化特点为两侧边缘以侵蚀为主, 而沙脊中央则以淤积为主。造成条子泥岸滩剖面季节性差异的主要原因是其周围海域中高浓度悬沙的秋、冬季落淤大于夏季所致。东沙沙脊东西两侧强烈的潮流和波浪作用使沙脊的两侧遭受较为明显的侵蚀。
关键词:  岸滩剖面  冲淤变化  苏北  潮滩
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目( 40706027, 20176021)
Spatial-temporal changes of tidal flats in north Jiangsu Province
Based on observed data near Tiaozini sand ridges during 1999~2000 and collected data in Dongsha Sand Ridge during 1982~1983, this paper mainly deals with spatial-temporal changes of tidal flats in north Jiangsu Provicne. The results show that the seasonal characteristics of beach profiles located at the Tiaozini sand ridges are accumulation in autumn-winter and erosion in spring-summer; the beach profiles are eroded in the outer area of Dongsha Sand Ridge and accumulated in the center area. Because deposition of high concentration of suspended sediment in the periphery of Tiaozini has higher values in autumn and winter than in summer, the beach profiles of Tiaozini sand ridges seasonally change. The erosion at the outer area of Dongsha Sand Ridges was caused by strong wind-induced wave and tidal current.
Key words:  beach profiles  erosion?? accumulation changes  north Jiangsu Province  tidal flat
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