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刘建勇1, 罗俊标2
研究了不同的海水温度、盐度、pH值和底质等主要环境因子对方斑东风螺(Babylonia areolata)稚螺生长与存活的影响。结果表明,方斑东风螺稚螺生存和生长的最高和最低临界水温分别为35 ℃和11 ℃,适宜水温为14~32 ℃,最适水温为26~29 ℃,适温范围内,稚螺的日生长率随着水温的升高而增加,在29 ℃时达到峰值,为262.5μm/d。方斑东风螺稚螺生存和生长的最高和最低临界盐度分别为38和11,适宜盐度为14~35,最适盐度为17~29,适宜盐度范围内,低盐海水有利于提高稚螺的日生长率,盐度对稚螺生长的影响不如温度的影响明显。方斑东风螺稚螺在pH为8.0 时,有最高日生长率,为220.4μm/d ,pH高于9.0、低于7.0时,日生长率与成活率显著降低。池底铺砂可显著提高稚螺的日生长率,但对稚螺的成活率无显著影响。
关键词:  方斑东风螺(Babylonia areolata)  稚螺  环境因子  生长  存活
Influences of some environmental factors on growth and survival of Babylonia areolata juveniles
Under the conditions of controlled seawater temperature, salinity, pH and substrate, the influences of temperature, salinity, pH and substrate on the growth and survival of Babylonia areolata juveniles were studied respectively. The results showed that: the upper and lower limited temperature were 11 ℃ and 35 ℃ respectively. The optimum temperature was 14~32 ℃ and the most optimum temperature was 26~29 ℃. under the optimum temperature, the growth rate increased with increasing temperature: the growth rate was 226.5μm/d at 29 ℃. The upper and lower limited salinity were 11 and 38 respectively. The optimum salinity was 14~35 and the most optimum salinity was 17~29. Under the optimum salinity, the low salinity can improve the growth rate of B. areolata juveniles. The influences of salinity on growth was less obvious than that of the temperature. The growth was the best and the survival rate was the highest at seawater pH value of 8. When the pH value lower than 7 and higher than 9, the growth and the survival ratewill be obviously declined. Some sand which put on the bottom of the pool will increase the growth rate remarkable but has no remarkable influences on the survival rate of B. areolata juveniles.
Key words:  Babylonia areolata juvenile  environmental factor  growth  survival
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