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引用本文:孟 振,张学成,时艳侠.光照与温度对紫外筛选盐生杜氏藻藻株的生长及色素积累的影响[J].海洋科学,2008,32(7):20-29.
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孟 振1,2, 张学成2, 时艳侠2
1.农业部海洋渔业资源可持续利用重点开放实验室, 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所;2.中国海洋大学海洋生命学院
利用紫外线诱变方法进行盐生杜氏藻(Dunaliella salina)的藻种选育, 并研究了所选择的3株诱变株(OUC21, OUC36, OUC66)对光照和温度的反应。结果表明, 光照实验中诱变株和出发株(BJ38)的生长与β-胡萝卜素积累的最适光照强度相同, 都是0.88×104lx, 此光强下诱变株的生长速率要高于出发株, 其中OUC36生长速率最快, 藻细胞密度比出发株高25%; 3株诱变株中只有OUC36单位体积藻液中β-胡萝卜素的积累量(10.76mg/L)高于出发株(10.10mg/L), 而OUC21(6.68mg/L)则低于出发株, 各光强下3株诱变株单位体积藻液叶绿素的积累量都高于出发株。诱变株与出发株在最适生长温度上表现出差异性, 出发株生长的最适温度为22, 诱变株OUC66与之相同, 而OUC21和OUC36生长的最适温度是28, 实验中同一温度条件下诱变株的生长速率高于出发株, 最大的也是OUC36; 适于β-胡萝卜素积累的温度诱变株与出发株相同, 都是22, 3株诱变株中同样是OUC36单位体积藻液中β-胡萝卜素积累量(7.9mg/L)最大, 略高于BJ38(7.84mg/L), 而OUC21(5.31mg/L)最低, 各温度下诱变株单位体积藻液中叶绿素含量高于出发株。OUC36 具有生长速率快和积累β-×胡萝卜素能力强的优点, 可能成为适用于大规模培养的藻种。
关键词:  盐生杜氏藻(Dunaliella salina)  紫外线  诱变  β-胡萝卜素
基金项目:国家863 计划项目(819-02-01)
Effects of light intensity and temperature on the growth and pigment accumulation of ultraviolet radiation mutagenized productive Dunaliella salina Mutants
孟 振
Mutagenesis by ultraviolet radiation of Dunaliella salina (Chloro phyta) (strain BJ38) was carried out in this paper. Subsequently, effects of light intensity and temperature on growth and pigment accumulation of the selected three mutants (OUC21, OUC36, OUC66) were studied. Results revealed that growth performances of all the mutants and the initial strain (BJ38) were remarkable at the light intensity of 214.08μmol/(m2·s). Under the condition, moreover, cell density of OUC36 (86.6×104cells/mL) was 25% high compared to BJ38 (69.1×104cells/mL). However, β-carotene accumulation of OUC36 (10.76 mg/L) was just a little higher than BJ38 (10.1 mg/L) , while OUC21 (6.68 mg/L) accumulated the least. Chlorophyll accumulation in all the selected mutants was proved to be greater than BJ38 under any light intensity. In the case of temperature, better growth performances were shown at 22 (OUC66 and BJ38) and 28(OUC21 and OUC36) respectively. However, it was at 22 that all strains including BJ38 accumulated more β-carotene where accumulation of OUC36 (7.9 mg/L) was not remarkablely greater than BJ38(7.84 mg/L) when OUC21 (5.31 mg/L) performed poorest. Meanwhile, regardless at which temperature the culture was done, all the mutants accumulated more Chlorophyll than the initial strain (BJ38). It could therefore be concluded that OUC36 sounds potential suitability for large scale cultivation.
Key words:  Dunaliella salina  ultraviolet radiation  mutagenesis  β-carotene
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