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纪荣兴1, 刘爱原1, 张春丽1, 邹文政1
采用高效液相色谱法为定性、定量手段,研究土霉素在牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)体内的药代动力学过程,采用DAS(Drug and Statistics)药代动力学程序对数据进行分析。结果表明,牙鲆单剂量口服土霉素后(200 mg/kg),血药经时过程符合二室模型,主要动力学参数如下:吸收半衰期(T(1/2)a)为10.043 h,单剂量给药后牙鲆体内出现最高质量分数的时间(Tmax)为4.000 h,单剂量给药后牙鲆体内最高血药质量分数(Cmax)为0.54 mg/L,药时曲线下总面积(CAU0-72)为17.15 (mg·h)/L,吸收速率常数(Ka)为0.223,消除速率常数(K)为0.476 h-1。牙鲆肌肉中土霉素的经时过程符合一级吸收一室模型,主要动力学参数: T(1/2)a为74.893h, Tmax为4.000 h,Cmax为3.58 mg/L,CAU0-72为148.56(mg·h)/L, Ka为0.731,K为2.991 h-1。牙鲆肝脏中土霉素的经时过程符合一级吸收一室模型,主要动力学参数: T(1/2)a为31.376 h, Tmax为4.000 h,Cmax为13.78 mg/L,CAU0-72为494.14(mg·h)/L, Ka为0.876, K为4.940 h-1
关键词:  土霉素  牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)  药代动力学  高效液相色谱(HPLC)
Studies on pharmacokinetics of oxytetracycline in Paralichthys olivaceus in vitro
The pharmacokinetic of oxytetracycline in healthy Paralichthys olivaceus was studied by using the high performance liquid chromatography. Data were analyzed with the pharmacokinetic computer program DAS. The results showed that the plasma concentration time course of oxytetracycline can be described by a one-compartment open model with the first order absorption after oral administration (200 mg/kg). The main pharmacokinetic parameters were as follows: distribution half-life (T(1/2)a) was 10.043 h, time to peak (Tmax) was 4.000 h, peak concent ration (Cmax) was 0.54 mg/L, area under the concentration-time curve from 0 to 72h (CAU0-72) was 17.15 (mg h/L), rate constant for distribution (Ka) was 0.223, and rate constant for elimination (K) was 0.476 h-1. The kinetics process of oxytetracycline in muscle can be described by a one-compartment model with the first order absorption. Its theoretical equations were as follows: T(1/2)a a was 74.893 h, Tmax was 4.000 h,Cmax was 3.58 mg/L, CAU0-72 was 148.56 (mg h/L), Ka was 0.731,K was 2.991 h-1. The kinetics process of oxytetracycline in liver was found to be a one-compartment with the first order absorption. Its theoretical equations were as follows: T(1/2)a a was 31.376 h, Tmax was 4.000 h, Cmax was 13.78 mg/L, CAU0-72 was 494. 136 (mg h/L), Ka was 0.876, and K was 4.940 h-1.
Key words:  oxytetracycline  Paralichthys olivaceus  pharmacokinetics  high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
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