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引用本文:陈 舜,肖云朴,伍德瀛,李定海.褐菖鲉网箱养殖试验初报[J].海洋科学,2008,32(8):5-8.
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陈 舜1,2, 肖云朴2, 伍德瀛2, 李定海3
2001年4月30日在浙江南麂海域3m×3m×3m网箱中放养0.9g自然海区捕获的褐菖鲉(Sebastiscus marmoratus)苗种, 进行为期2年多的养殖试验。结果表明, 该鱼生长缓慢, 养殖38d 体质量为8.3g, 养殖240d为24.8g, 养殖787d为112.3g。总养殖成活率为20.1%, 平均日增体质量0.142g, 平均日增体质量率0.62%。秋末至夏初低水温期是褐菖鲉的主要生长期, 在9~13℃较低水温下亦会摄食与生长。饵料系数为3.6。冬春季养殖成活率高于秋夏季, 第一年夏季养殖成活率低, 仅28.1%。养殖方式以混养为宜。
关键词:  褐菖鲉(Sebastiscus marmoratus)  网箱养殖  浙江南麂海区
基金项目:浙江省海洋开发管理专项资金资助项目(01-14); 温州市科技项目(S2003B004)
The initial report on the cultivasion experiments of rock fish (Sebastiscus marmoratus)
陈 舜
Rock fish (Sebastiscus marmoratus) meat texture is tender with fresh flavor. Rock fish is becoming a popular fish in the market. The coastal rock fish resource is abundant for great development. Fish captured from marine regions was stocked in cage by 3m×3m×3m in an average size of 0.9g in April 30, 2001 at Nanji island, Zhejiang province. The growth of rock fish was slow. Fish was 8.3g in June 7, 2001 and 24. 8g at the end of the year. Fish reached 112.3g in June 26, 2003. The total survival rate was 20.1%. The daily body mass gain was 0.142g. Average daily body mass rate gain was 0.62%. The main growth season was from late fall to early summer when the water temperature was low. Fish takes food and grows at water temperature 9~13℃. FCR was 3.6. The survival rate during winterw as higher than that during summer. Fish survival rate was low as 28.1% in summer in first year production. Fish was omnivorous. Fish acted a scavenger for cage cleaning significantly. Poly culture would be suitable for rock fish. Production prefers to purchase 50g submarket size fish in October and raise fish to 100g in June in the next year to avoid typhoon in cursion and high water temperature period.
Key words:  Sebastiscus marmoratus  sea cage culture  Nanji island area
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