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王华1, 牛从从1,2, 邵明瑜1, 张全启1, 张志峰1
借助透射电镜分别对石鲽(Kareius bicoloratus)、大菱鲆(Scophthalmus maximus L.)和牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)成熟精子的超微结构进行了比较研究,进一步测定了石鲽和牙鲆精子的基本生理特性,并研究了17℃和4℃保存精子的活力变化。结果显示3种鱼类精子均为有鞭毛精子,无顶体,尾部轴丝9+2型。不同之处包括:成熟精子的核致密度不同,以石鲽最高,大菱鲆和牙鲆则较低;在大菱鲆和牙鲆精子头部,核前端侧面都有一缺刻状结构,石鲽精子未发现此结构;头部核膜与质膜之间的细胞质含量以大菱鲆的最多;精子中段的线粒体数量不同,大菱鲆较多(10个左右),石鲽次之(8个左右),牙鲆最少,仅为5个左右;中段植入窝深度不同,以大菱鲆陷入核中最深,其他2种比较接近。石鲽和牙鲆精液的pH值比较接近。精子密度以牙鲆较高,为10.18×109个/mL±3.37×109个/mL。牙鲆和石鲽精子活力的保存时间在17℃下分别为48 h和36 h,4℃下分别为7 d和8 d。精子活力完全失去之前,随着保存时间的延长,精子的激活率和寿命逐渐下降,而涡动时间则相差不大。
关键词:  石鲽(Kareius bicoloratus)  大菱鲆(Kareius bicoloratus L.)  牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)  精子  超微结构  活力
A comparative study on sperm ultrastructure and physiological characteristics in Kareius bicoloratus,Kareius bicoloratus L.and Paralichthys olivaceus
In the present research, the sperm ultrastructures of Kareius bicoloratus, Scophthalmus maximus L.and Paralichthys olivaceus were observed at TEM level. Furthermore the physiological characteristics of sperm of K. bicoloratus and P. olivaceus were estimated, and the motility changes of sperm stored at 17℃ and 4℃ were measured. The results showed that sperm of three kinds of fish were all flagellum type("9+ 2"pattern), but no acrosome existed in sperm. The differences among them included, the nucleus density of mature sperm was highest in K. bicoloratus and lower in S. maximus L.and P. olivaceus. An indentation structure appeared in front of the sperm nucleus in S. maximus L.and P. olivaceus, however that in K. bicoloratus was no. The contents of cytoplasm and vesicles were most located between plasma membrane and nuclear membrane in the sperm head of S. maximus L. The number of mitochondria was different in middle piece of sperm,about 10 mitochondria were found in S. maximus, while about 8 in K. bicoloratus and about 5 in P. olivaceus. The deepness of implantation fossa was deepest in S. maximus L., and those in other two fish were similar. The pH of K. bicoloratus semen was closed to that of P. olivaceus, and the density of semen was higher in P. olivaceus, which reached 10.18×109/mL±3.37×109/mL. At 17℃ the longest storing time of sperm motility in P.olivaceus and K. bicoloratus was 48 h and 36 h respectively, and at 4℃ was 7 d and 8 d. With the process of preservation, the activation rate and the lifetime gradually declined,however, the time of rapid movement indicated no significant differences.
Key words:  Kareius bicoloratus  Scophthalmus maximus L.  Paralichthys olivaceus  sperm  ultrastruture  motility
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