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引用本文:魏 伟,康兴伦,江雪艳,于志刚,杜金洲,张卫国.地下卤水中镭的富集与测定方法研究[J].海洋科学,2008,32(11):1-4.
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魏 伟1, 康兴伦2, 江雪艳3, 于志刚3, 杜金洲4, 张卫国4
以自配人工卤水,采用硫酸钡(镭) 共沉淀法富集其中的镭,同时用γ谱仪同步测量226 Ra 和228 Ra 的含量。不同p H 和共沉淀剂作用下的化学及放化回收率计算表明,该方法操作简单,回收率高,适用于地下卤水及其它水体较高含量 226Ra 、228Ra 的同步测定。用该方法测定的莱州湾地下卤水 226Ra 和 228Ra 含量分别为0. 341 Bq/ L 和1. 615 Bq/ L ,远高于海水中镭的含量。
关键词:  地下卤水  226Ra  228Ra  硫酸钡共沉淀  γ谱仪
A new method for the enrichment and measurement of radium in ground Brine
In order to measure the radium isotopes in ground brine from the southern coast of Laizhou Bay, Bohai Sea, China, a series of laboratory experiments of simulating the ground brine were conducted using the Ba (Ra) SO4-coprecipitation method to pre-accumulate radium isotopes and the 226Ra and 228Ra radioactivities were measured simultaneously with the gamma-ray spectrometry. The chemical and radioactive recovery rates were calculated under different pH values and different amounts of co-precipitating agent. The results showed that this was a simple and efficient method with high recovery rates, which could be applied to the synchronous determination of 226Ra and 228Ra in ground brine and other water bodies with relatively high radium concentration. The results from the ground brine measurement demonstrated that 226Ra and 228Ra concentrations reached as high as 0. 341 Bq/ L and 1. 615 Bq/ L, respectively and they were much higher than those from sea water .
Key words:  ground brine  226Ra  228Ra  BaSO4 coprecipitation  gamma-ray spectrometry
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