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引用本文:张正斌,张 闯,刘莲生,宫海东,皇华伟,刘春颖.黄海春季表面海水溶解无机碳的分层研究[J].海洋科学,2008,32(11):36-43.
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张正斌1, 张 闯1, 刘莲生1, 宫海东1,2, 皇华伟1, 刘春颖1
根据中国SOLAS计划2006年4月航次出海调查所得数据,系统地研究了春季黄海表面海水溶解无机碳(DIC)的分布规律,同时,与2005年3月、5月两个航次的DIC调查结果进行了对比。结果表明:(1)DIC浓度由近岸向外海逐渐降低;(2)DIC浓度在海水微表层中明显大于次表层和表层,呈现富集现象;(3)由于海水微表层的多层模型特征和海水微表层中Gibbs吸附异常的共同作用,使DIC含量在海水微表层、次表层和表层中变化趋势呈现非线性;(4)在连续站的周日变化研究中发现,DIC浓度在02∶00~03∶00时间范围内出现最大值,在13 ∶00~15∶00时间范围内出现最小值,呈“单峰”分布规律;(5)对比2005年研究结果,发现黄海春季表面海水中的DIC浓度在3 ,4 ,5月份依次降低;(6)DIC与温度和盐度均呈较明显的负相关性。
关键词:  黄海  微表层  DIC  富集  周日变化
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重大项目(40490263) ;国家自然科学基金项目(40076020, 40376022, 40706040) ;国家973计划项目(2001CB409703) ;教育部博士点基金项目(20030423007)
Multilayer-distribution of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in surface sea water of the Yellow Sea in spring
The dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) including HCO3-, CO32- and CO2* in the seawater surface microlayer (SML), subsurface layer (SSL) and surface layer (SL) of the Yellow Sea is studied systematically in April, 2006. Meanwhile, it is compared with the results of March and May, 2005. The results are as follows: Compared with SSL and SL, in SML the concent ration of DIC showed the enrichment phenomenon. The concent ration of DIC become higher from ocean to coast. There was a clear non-linearity of DIC in SML, SSL and SL, mainly because of the cooperation of multilayer character of SML and the abnormal of Gibbs absorption law. It is shown that there was a “single-peak” phenomenon of DIC diurnal variation in consecutive stations, of which the maximum appeared at about 02∶00~03∶00 and the minimum appeared at about 14∶00~15∶00. The concent ration of DIC in SML, SSL and SL becomes lower from March to May. DIC versus temperature/salinity showed a positive relation in the study.
Key words:  the Yellow Sea  sea-surface microlayer (SML)  dissolved inorganic carbon(DIC)  enrichment  diurnal variation
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