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邵??锋1, 陈新军1,2
根据2004年9月至2005年1月我国鱿钓船在印度洋西北海域进行鸢乌贼(Symlectoteuthis oualaniensis)调查的数据, 并结合海面高度, 利用Marine explorer4.0软件对渔获量分布及其与海面高度图进行了叠加分析。结果表明, 高渔获量的中心渔场大多分布在海面高度HSS≤0的附近海域, 在HSS≥0的附近海域有一定的渔获量。研究认为, 中心渔场分布在冷暖涡的交汇处, 但是渔场的中心偏向于HSS≤0的冷水涡一侧。
关键词:  鸢乌贼(Symlectoteuthis oualaniensis)  渔场分布  海面高度  印度洋西北海域
基金项目:农业部公海渔业资源探捕项目(03-42); 上海市教委曙光计划项目(05- 11)
Relationship between fishing ground of Symlectoteuthis oualaniensis and sea surface height in the northwest Indian ocean
Based on the data of Symlectoteuthis oualaniensis made by Chinese squid jigging vessel in the northwestern Indian Ocean from September in 2004 to January in 2005 and the sea surface height(HSS), the distribution of catch and its relationship with HSS were drawn by Software Marine Explorer 4.0. The results show that the high yield is distributed in the area where the value of HSS is equal to or near less than zero. However, some catches are also distributed in the area where the value of H SS is near more than zero. The results indicated that the central fishing ground is located in the mixed area between cold and warm water, but the squids like to be concentr ated in the cold w arm(HSS≤0) .
Key words:  Symlectoteuthis oualaniensis  distribution of fishing ground  sea surface height  Northwestern Indian Ocean
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