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张汉华1, 李卓佳1, 郭志勋1, 曹煜成1, 贾晓平1
关键词:  益生菌  海水虾池  浮游生物  多样性指数  优势种
The effects of probiotics on plankton ecological characteristics in shrimp maricultural ponds
Abstract:The influences of probiotics on ecological characteristics of plankton in the shrimp maricultural ponds, including zooplankton and phytoplankton, had been studied for three months. The results showed that phytoplankton densities were lower in prophase and dominant species was diatom, but it increased rapidly in metaphase and reached a maximum in anaphase, biomasses of phytoplankton were 70×106~160×106 cells/L, the dominant species also became chlorophyta. Compared with test ponds, Cyanophyta biomass of control ponds increased rapidly at later culture stage, it was indicated that bacillus could inhibit the Cyanophyta reproduction, and promote the growth of beneficial algae. Zooplankton densities of test ponds increased steadily, biomasses were 25×103~30×103Ind/m3, and maintained the highest level in metaphase and anaphase, the main species were euryhalinous and coastal species and the dominant species were very evident. However, in the control ponds, the zooplankton biomasses were relative lower and not stable. There was a close linear relationship between zooplankton and phytoplankton, the density changing trend was similar, and the average linear correlativity coefficient was 0.724. The diversity index ranged from 1.1 to 1.6,lower than nature waters and species evenness was higher at 0.5~0.7,similar to natural waters. In conclusion, the effects of shrimp culture in test ponds were better than that of control ponds.
Key words:  Probiotics  maricutural ponds  plankton  diversity index  dominant species
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