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引用本文:李晓英,董志国,王美珍,金 武,赵金鑫,阎斌伦,陈汉春,李家乐.彩虹明樱蛤同工酶组织特异性研究[J].海洋科学,2009,33(1):43-47.
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李晓英1,2, 董志国1, 王美珍3, 金 武1,2, 赵金鑫1, 阎斌伦1, 陈汉春3, 李家乐2
1.淮海工学院 江苏省海洋生物技术重点实验室;2.上海海洋大学水产与生命学院;3.溪市水产研究所
采用聚丙烯凝胶垂直电泳技术和同工酶特异性染色方法,对彩虹明樱蛤(Moerella iridescens)的斧足、肝胰腺和外套膜3种组织的酯酶(EST)、苹果酸脱氢酶(MDH)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)3种同工酶进行了分析。结果表明,这3种酶在上述3种组织中均得到了表达,不同的酶既存在一定的组织特异性又有相似性的特点。EST在3种组织中分别产生7~8条酶带,分为4个带区,其中EST-3和EST-6在3种组织中均为保守存在的强带,而斧足中缺失EST-1、EST-8和EST-9,肝胰腺中缺失EST-1和EST-2,外套膜中缺失EST-2和EST-8;MDH在3种组织中有4~5条酶带,MDH-2在斧足中缺失,MDH-3在外套膜中缺失,而处于s-MDH的MDH-4和MDH-5在3种组织中保守存在。SOD在3种组织中共表现为4条酶带,酶谱无明显变化,组织间无明显差异,这一特殊性可以用其作为生化遗传标记对彩虹明樱蛤进行种质鉴定。
关键词:  同工酶  电泳  彩虹明樱蛤(Moerella iridescens  组织差异性
Study on the tissue specificity of isozymes in Moerella iridescens
Three isozymes (EST, MDH and SOD) in three tissues (foot, hepatopancreas and mantle) of Moerella iridescens were analyzed by means of vertical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and specific staining. The results indicated that all the 3 isozymes were expressed in the 3 tissues with different band patterens. In detail, the number and the strength of EST and MDH bands were different in 3 tissues. EST presented 7-8 bands in 3 tissue, respectively, which were located at 4 loci. EST-3 and EST-6 were the strongest 2 bands shared by all tissues, but there were some weak bands deletion which were EST-1,EST-8 and EST-9 in foot ,EST-1 and EST-2 in hepatopancreas and EST-2 and EST-8 in mantle. MDH presented 4-5 bands in 3 tissue and MDH-4 and MDH-5 as s-MDH were conservatively shared by 3 tissue but some deletion MDH-2 in foot and MDH-3 in mantle also were found. Particularly, SOD expressed the same isozymes patten and there were the same 4 bands in 3 tissue which can be use to identify germplasm for M. iridescens as biochemical genetic marker.
Key words:  Moerella iridescens  isozyme  electrophoresis  tissues specificity
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