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林爱兰1, 张人禾2
1.广州热带海洋气象研究所 热带季风重点开放实验室;2.中国气象科学研究院 灾害天气国家重点实验室
关键词:  南海海温  风场  季风
The impact of atmospheric wind at low level on sea surface temperature over the South China Sea and its relationship to monsoon
Relationship between sea surface temperature over the South China Sea, local wind field and its seasonal variation characteristics was analysed by using the monthly data of sea surface temperature and atmospheric wind at 850 hPa during 1960~1999. And the impact of local wind field on sea surface temperature and its relationship to monsoon are discussed. It was shown that the correlation between sea surface temperature over the South China Sea and local wind changes with different seasons. Sea surface temperature over the South China Sea is correlated negatively with zonal wind in summer, while it is correlated positively with meridional wind in winter. The seasonal variation of correlation is related closely to the characteristics of East Asia monsoon (e.g. wind changes with season). The conclusion above provides a climatic background for monitor and forecast of sea surface temperature over the South China Sea, and also gives a explanation to why the conclusions between different works are contrary concerning the relativity of sea surface temperature over the South China Sea and local wind.
Key words:  sea surface temperature over the South China Sea  atmospheric wind  monsoon
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