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引用本文:陈 颖,赵 培,王雪青,庞广昌.3种植物激素对螺旋藻生长和代谢产物含量的影响[J].海洋科学,2009,33(2):11-16.
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陈 颖1,2, 赵 培1,2, 王雪青1,2, 庞广昌1,2
用单因素分析法研究6-苄基氨基嘌呤(6-BA)、萘乙酸(NAA)和赤霉素(GA)3种植物激素对螺旋藻生长和代谢产物含量的影响。结果显示,添加NAA(0.4 mg/L)和GA(1.0 mg/L)分别使钝顶螺旋藻(Spirulina platensis)和极大螺旋藻(Spirulina maximum)生物量达到最大值,与对照相比提高了49.1%和65.2%,比生长速率增加了66.7%和28.6%。同样,激素可以显著地影响螺旋藻的代谢产物含量。对于钝顶螺旋藻,GA(0.1 mg/L)使胞外总糖含量增加5倍;GA(0.3 mg/L)使胞内总糖含量提高5倍;6-BA(0.2 mg/L)使胞内蛋白含量提高27.8%;NAA(0.2 mg/L)使SOD酶比活力提高3.47倍。对于极大螺旋藻,GA(0.3 mg/L)使胞外总糖含量增加1.32倍,使胞内总糖含量提高2倍;NAA(1.6 mg/L)使胞内蛋白含量提高66.7%,6-BA(1.6 mg/L)使SOD酶比活力提高3.47倍。因此植物激素对螺旋藻生长和代谢产物合成有明显的促进作用,该结果为高密度规模化生产奠定基础。
关键词:  螺旋藻  植物激素  总糖  蛋白  SOD
Effect on biomass and the content of active components of Spirulina sp. by three phytohormones
CHEN Ying,ZHAO Pei,WANG Xue-qing,PANG Guang-chang
The effects of three phytohormones, 6-Benzyl aminopurine (6-BA), Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and Gibberellic acid (GA), on the biomass and content of active components of Spirulina sp. have been researched through a single factor test. It was shown that:added NAA (0.4 mg/L) to Spirulina platensis and GA (1.0 mg/L) to S. maximum respectively made the biomass maximize 49.1%,65.2% and the specific growth rate maximize 66.7%,28.6%. The regulated reaction of hormone made the Spirulina sp. reach the largest throughput. Due to the metabolization of S. platensis, 0.1 mg/L GA can increase the content of its extracellular total sugar by 5 times, intracellular total suger augmented 5 times on GA (0.3 mg/L). Intracellular protein increased 27.8% on 6-BA(0.2 mg/L). NAA(0.2 mg/L) could increase the level of SOD of S. platensis by 3.47 times. To S. maximum, total in extracellular suger augmented 1.32 times and 2 times on GA(0.3 mg/L). NAA(1.6 mg/L) and 6-BA(1.6 mg/L) could respectively increase the intracellular protein and SOD by 66.7% and 3.47 times. It was concluded that phytohormones can promote the growth of Spirulina sp. This result can establish the rationale for large-scale high-density production.
Key words:  Spirulina  Phytohormone  Total suger  Protein  SOD
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