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引用本文:陈 静,李 晓,王张华,陈中原.长江三角洲120 kaB.P.以来孢粉记录反映的古气候变化及其与海平面的耦合[J].海洋科学,2009,33(2):68-73.
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长江三角洲120 kaB.P.以来孢粉记录反映的古气候变化及其与海平面的耦合
陈 静1, 李 晓2, 王张华3, 陈中原3
对上海地区晚第四纪钻孔地层中的孢粉以及较高分辨率测年资料进行了分析。根据孢粉组合恢复了6个植被演替以及古气候期,和该区的海水进退吻合很好。研究发现,120~96 kaB.P.间处于里斯冰期末期,沉积物粗,孢粉稀少;96~84 kaB.P.间处于里斯-玉木间冰期,孢粉以落叶栎-松-枫香-常绿栎-栲为主,气候温暖略湿,海平面上升;84~64 kaB.P.间处于早玉木冰期,气候寒冷,孢粉稀少,海水退出本区;64~20 kaB.P.间处于玉木间冰期,孢粉组合以落叶栎-栗-麻栎-常绿栎-栲-蒿-水龙骨为主,常绿树种大量出现,气候温暖湿润,海平面回升,其中37~34 kaB.P.间气候稍微变凉;22~10 kaB.P.间为末次冰盛期,孢粉含量以及种类稀少,主要以针叶树种和耐干草本植物为主,反映气候冷凉干燥,海水全面退出本区;10 kaB.P.以来,气候开始转暖,尤其进入全新世大暖期后,孢粉以落叶栎-松-常绿栎-禾本科为主。
关键词:  孢粉  晚更新世  古气候  长江三角洲
Paleoclimate and sea level fluctuations in Shanghai region: sporo-pollen implications during the past 120 000 years
CHEN Jing,LI Xiao,WANG Zhang-hua,CHEN Zhong-yuan
Chrono-stratigraphic sequences and pollen-spore examination in Shanghai region provide an insight into paleoclimatic implications during the past 120 000 years. Six pollen and spore zones distinguished from Late Pleistocene sediments in boreholes reconstruct vegetation successions and paleoclimate patterns of the time period concerned, which have a good relationship with seawater regression and degression. The result reveals that pollen-spore assemblage consisting largely of Pinus-Quercus of cool and dry climate setting prevailed during the period of 120~96 kaB.P., which is believed to be the late period of Riss glacial age. Pollen and spore assemblage consisting of Quercus(deciduous)-Pinus-Liquidambar-Quercus(evergreen)-Castanopsis reflects warm and wet climate setting during the interglacial period of 96~84 kaB.P., when seawater intrudes. Scarce pollens during 84~64kaB.P. are a reflection of cold climate when it remains as the early Wurm glacial. Assemblage of Quercus(deciduous)-Castanea-Quercus(evergreen)-Castanopsis-Artemisia reflects warm and wet climate setting during the interglacial period of 64~20 kaB.P., when sealevel rises rapidly. A small scale climate cooling interval occurs during 37~34 kaB.P. Pinus dominated the region as time moved into the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) of 22~10 kaB.P., and seawater degresses from the study area. After 10 kaB.P., Quercus(evergreen)-Quercus-Gramineae comprises primarily the assemblage to indicate warm and moist climate setting as mega-thermal time period in Holocene.
Key words:  pollen and spore  Late Pleistocene  paleoclimate  Yangtze Delta
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