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蓝文陆1,2, 黄邦钦1, 黄凌风3, 宁修仁4, 袁梁英5
关键词:  原生动物  丰度分布特征  影响因素  珠江口
Preliminary study on distribution of micro-protozoa in the Pearl River Estuary and its controlling factors
Based on the data obtained from a cruise in Feb. 2004, abundance, spatial distributions and controlling factors of nanoflagellates, heterotrophic dinoflagellates and ciliates in the surface layer in the Pearl River estuary were studied. Nanoflagellates abundance ranged from 3.4×103 to 25.6×103 cells/mL, while heterotrophic dinoflagellates ranged from 11 to 312 cells/mL and ciliates were from 7 to 172 cells/mL, respectively. High abundance of these protozoa was observed at upper stream of the estuary near the Guangzhou waters with low salinity (2 to 5 psu). Low abundance was observed at lower stream of the estuary with high salinity (>30 psu). The three groups of protozoa abundance decreased from upper estuary near Guangzhou to lower estuary. The distribution patterns of these protozoa abundance were similar to that of chlorophyll a, and they had a significant relationship with bacteria, indicating that phytoplankton and bacteria influence protozoa distribution patterns. Temperature and nutrients were not direct factors influencing protozoa distribution. High abundance of protozoa suggested that the Pearl River Estuary was eutrophic water.
Key words:  protozoa  abundance  distribution  controlling factors  Pearl River Estuary
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