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基于日本对虾等甲壳类以无水方式活体运输有增加运销渠道及提供优质产品等优点,进行了3次罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)活虾无水运输模拟试验。运输容器为聚苯乙烯盒,填充物为浸水海绵及木屑。结果表明:以海绵作填充物的1 kg容量聚苯乙烯盒(分上下层,共20尾虾)试验结果显示,试验虾的存活率初春远高于仲夏,初春高达91.7%,仲夏只有74%;在仲夏时,以6 kg容量的大盒(排列4层共80尾虾)试验结果显示,木屑组存活率(75.4%)高于海绵组(63.5%),但若在只有单
关键词:  罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergii  活体运输  无水运输  聚苯乙烯
Studies on the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii live transportation without using water
Based on the fact that kuruma shrimp Penaeus japonicus can be transported alive without using water, and this way of transportation can increase market channel and offer good quality product. Three consecutive experiments of live transportation of giant freshwater prawns without using water were performed in May 5~6, 2006, April 1~2, 2007, and July 18~19, 2007. Expandable polystyrene boxes of both one and six kilogram content were used as containers. Wet sawdust and sliced sponge were used as fillers. The tested prawnss were arranged in boxes and put either in laboratory (temperature inside boxes were between 13.5~14.5℃, the first experiment), or kept in 15℃ constant temperature room (experiment 2 and 3) for this study. After this procedure, the alive prawns were kept in aerated water tanks overnight, then overall survival rate was counted. According to the results of the three consecutive experiments, the survival rate of the prawns of the smaller box (one kilogram content, contained 20 prawns, use sponge as filler) in early spring (the second experiment) was 91.7%, but the survival rate of the same kind of packing and same quantity of prawns in the mid-summer experiment (the third experiment) was only 74%. The experiments also showed that in the hot summer (the third experiment), if put 80 prawns in a larger box (20 prawns in one layer, totally four layers), and filled with wet sawdust, the survival rate was 75.4%; but at the same condition, if use sponge as filler, the survival rate was only 63.5%. In the same experiment, if put prawns for only one layer (20 prawns) in a smaller box, the survival rate of sponge group (74%) was superior to the sawdust group (68.7%). The different results obtained were related to the different characteristics of sawdust and sponge. These three consequent experiments proved that the giant freshwater prawns transportation without using water is highly feasible.
Key words:  Macrobrachium rosenbergii  live transportation  transportation without using water  expandable polystyrene
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