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引用本文:马 林,王洪法,帅莲梅.乳山口西村潮间带大型底栖动物生态学研究[J].海洋科学,2009,33(6):29-34.
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马 林1,2, 王洪法1, 帅莲梅1
根据2006年12月至2007年11月4个季度月(冬、春、夏、秋)对位于乳山口西村潮间带的高潮带(R1站)、中潮带(R2站)和低潮带(R3站)所设的3个站进行的生态调查所获得的样品,分析研究了该潮间带大型底栖动物的生态学特点和季节变化。结果表明,乳山口西村潮间带大型底栖动物的总平均栖息密度、总平均生物量和总种数分别为103.33个/m2,7.056 g/m2和41种,在高潮带分别是72个/m2,0.64 g/m2和21种,中潮带分别是115个/m2,8.584 g/m2和29种,低潮带分别是123个/m2,11.943 g/m2和12种。3个潮带的总平均密度(D)大小顺序为:DR3>DR2>DR1,总平均生物量(B)为:BR3>BR2>BR1,总种数(S)为:SR2>SR1>SR3。这些生态特征与其他海域潮间带的生态特征有很大差异,造成这些差异的因素主要是底质、潮汐、季节和人为干扰等。本研究有助于了解乳山口渔港进出渔船和其他船只对周边海洋底栖动物的影响,为以后的底栖动物比较研究提供基础资料。
关键词:  潮间带  大型底栖动物  生态学研究  乳山口  山东半岛
The ecological report of the macrobenthic community in the intertidal zone of Xicun village, Rushan County, Shandong Peninsula
MA Lin,WANG Hong-fa,SHUAI Lian-mei
Based on the material collected during December, 2006 to November, 2007 from three sampling stations representing respectively the high, middle and low tidal zones, the macrobentic community and its seasonal changes of the intertidal zones of Xicun village, Rushan County, near to the mouth of the Rushankou Gulf, South coast of Shandong Peninsula, are reported in the present paper. The results show that the total mean abundances, biomasses and species numbers of macrobenthos in this intertidal zone are respectively 103.33 ind/m2, 7.056 g/m2 and 41 species; those from the high tidal zone (Station R1) are 72 ind/m2, 0.64 g/m2 and 21 species; from the middle tidal zone (Station R2) are 115 ind/m2, 8.584 g/m2 and 29 species; and from the low tidal zone (Station R3) are 123 ind/m2, 11.943 g/m2 and 12 species, respectively. The mean abundances, biomasses and species numbers of the macrobenthos in three tidal zones are distinctly different, of which the mean abundances are R3>R2>R1, mean biomasses are R3>R2>R1, species numbers are R2>R1>R3. Those ecological characters, which are affected by substratum, tide, season and human activity, are different from those of the estuary of the Yellow River in the Bohai Gulf and Jiaozhou Bay west to the Rushankou Gulf along the south coast of the Shoudong Peninsula. This study can help to understand the way of the fishboats and other boats affecting macrobenthic community, and also offer basic data to further research.
Key words:  intertidal zone  macrobenthos  ecology  Rushan  Shandong Peninsula
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