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引用本文:薛良义,杨巧一,韦家永,李 卢.花鲈皮肤溃疡病抗性和敏感群体的RAPD分析[J].海洋科学,2009,33(6):61-66.
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薛良义1, 杨巧一1, 韦家永1, 李 卢1
采用随机扩增多态性DNA技术,对花鲈(Lateolabrax japonicus)皮肤溃疡病抗性和敏感两个群体的遗传多样性进行了研究。从100个10 bp随机引物中筛选出25个随机引物,在两个群体中共扩增了326个位点,抗性群体多态位点比率为44.24%,遗传变异度为0.123 7,Shannon多样性值为0.1149,分别比敏感群体高3.87%,5.82%和2.68%,表明花鲈抗病群体比敏感群体具有更丰富的遗传多样性。25条随机引物中,7条引物在两群体中的扩增结果存在差异,其中S11,S15,S4,S414,S416,S9在抗性群体的扩增结果比敏感群体多1个多态位点,S52多2个多态位点。在这8个特异多态位点中,S52 1,S4 1,S414 6,S9 2在敏感群体中全部出现,呈单态性;S15 5,S11 6,S416 6,S52 5只在抗性群体中出现,出现频率分别为38.5%,30.8%,23.1%和23.1%。说明这8个位点在两群体中存在较大的差异。研究表明, 花鲈皮肤溃疡病在遗传上是比较复杂的,并不是简单地与某个遗传标记有关,可能与多个遗传因素相关。
关键词:  花鲈(Lateolabrax japonicus  群体  皮肤溃疡病  RAPD  遗传多样性
Genetic diversity analysis based on RAPD for resistance and susceptibility stocks of Lateolabrax japonicus to the skin ulcer disease
XUE Liang-yi,YANG Qiao-yi,WEI Jia-yong,LI Lu
The genetic diversity of resistance and susceptibility stocks of Lateolabrax japonicus to the skin ulcer disease was studied by using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method. Twenty five random primers, which were screened from one hundred ones, were used for the analysis of nuclear DNA polymorphism of cultured L. japonicus in Xiangshan Bay. A total of 326 RAPD bands (loci) were detected in the two stocks. In the resistance stock, the proportion of polymorphic loci was 44.24%. The mean genetic variation index and Shannon Weaveis value of phenotypic diversity were 0.123 7 and 0.114 9, respectively. They were 3.87%, 5.82% and 2.68% higher than that of the suscepbility stock respectively. It was suggested that the genetic diversity of resistance stock was more abundant than that of suscepbility population. Seven of twenty-five primers generated different amplification patterns between the two stocks. In the resistance stock, six primers, S11, S15, S4, S414, S416 and S9, amplify 1 polymorphic locus more than the suscepbility stock respectively, and primer S52 amplify 2 polymorphic loci more than the suscepbility stock. In the above 8 polymorphic loci, S15-5, S11-6, S416-6 and S52-5 bands only existed in the resistance stock, which suggested genetic differences between two stocks. However, the relationship between these polymorphic loci and the disease resistance needs to be further investigated.
Key words:  Lateolabrax japonicus  stock  skin ulcer disease  RAPD  genetic diversity
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