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引用本文:马海青,冯 环,王旭晨.渤海湾和胶州湾表层沉积物中甾醇的分布和来源[J].海洋科学,2009,33(6):73-79.
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马海青1,2, 冯 环3, 王旭晨1,4
测定了渤海湾和胶州湾22个表层沉积物样品中甾醇类化合物的含量,分析了其分布特征和来源。研究表明,所测定的8种甾醇类化合物在两海区表层沉积物中的含量和分布具有很大的区域差异,其含量为0~4.303 μg/g,渤海湾甾醇总含量为0.287~18.579 μg/g,高于胶州湾 0.084~10.584 μg/g。8种化合物中只有谷甾醇在全部样品中检出,而粪便甾醇仅存在于受人类活动影响较大和有生活污水输入的近岸区域。而代表陆源高等植物来源的特征甾醇化合物豆甾醇和谷甾醇则在河口区表层沉积物分布较高。另外,根据表层沉积物中不同甾醇化合物的组成、含量和分布特征,可以很好地指示河流输入以及大量生活废水的排放对近岸海区的污染状况,从而可以作为近岸环境污染监测和评价的重要指标。
关键词:  甾醇  沉积物  污染  渤海湾  胶州湾
Distribution and sources of sterols in surface sediments from Bohai Bay and Jiaozhou Bay
MA Hai-qing,FENG Huan,WANG Xu-chen
The distribution and composition of sterol compounds were determined in 22 surface sediment samples collected from Bohai Bay and Jiaozhou Bay. The 8 detected sterols showed large spatial variations ranging from 0~4.303 μg/g (dry wt) and Bohai Bay had higher total sterol concentrations in the surface sediments (0.287~18.579 μg/g) than that (0.084~10.584 μg/g) in Jiaozhou Bay. Among the 8 sterols, only β-sitosterol was presented in all samples. Sterols such as coprostanol and epicoprostanol which are products of human waste showed high concentrations in the surface sediments of the regions with large sewage inputs, while the distributions of stigmasterol and β-sitosterol appeared to be influenced by terrestrial organic matter from river discharge. Our study suggests that the composition and distribution of sterols in surface sediment provide useful information for environmental contamination monitoring and assessment in the coastal regions.
Key words:  sterols  sediment  contamination  Bohai Bay  Jiaozhou Bay
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