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谭书杰1, 宫相忠2, 孙军3, 倪晓波3, 宋书群4, 何青3
根据2007年5月在东海产卵场及其邻近海域(26°50′~34°07′N,120°50′~123°59′E)进行的多学科综合调查,研究了该海域浮游植物群落的结构特征。经Uterm?hl方法分析,共发现浮游植物4门55属144种,其主要类群为硅藻和甲藻,优势物种为柔弱伪菱形藻(Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima)、具齿原甲藻(Prorocendrum dentatum =东海原甲藻Prorocentrum donghaiense)和中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)。浮游植物的细胞丰度介于0.1× 103~1158.6 × 103 个/L,平均值为78.9 × 103 个/L;细胞丰度在表层较高,随水深增加而降低;表层的高值主要分布在长江口至南麂列岛的咸淡水交汇处以及象山外海域。调查区浮游植物群落的多样性总体水平较低,Shannon-Wiener指数和Pielou指数均与细胞丰度呈相嵌分布,细胞丰度较高的区域多样性水平较低。
关键词:  浮游植物  群落结构  东海产卵场
The phytoplankton community in spawning ground of the East China Sea and its adjacent waters in spring
TAN Shu-jie,GONG Xiang-zhong,SUN Jun,NI Xiao-bo,SONG Shu-qun,HE Qing
Water samples were collected from spawning grouds of East China Sea and its adjacent water in 4th — 18th May, 2007, and the community structure of phytoplankton was analyzed by Uterm?hl method. A total of 144 taxa which belong to 55 genera of 4 phyla were identified. The phytoplankton community was mainly composed of Bacillariophyta and Dinophyta. The dominant species were Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima, Prorocendrum dentatum and Skeletonema costatum. The cell abundance of phytoplankton ranged from 0.1×103 cells/L to 1158.6×103 cells/L, with an average of 78.9×103 cells/L. Horizontally, the cell abundance was relatively high in dilution zones between freshwater and seawater, i.e. The Changjiang Estuary, Nanji Archipelago, and adjacent waters of Xiangshan.Vertically, cell abundance was high in surface water and decreased slightly with depth from surface to bottom. The Shannon-wiener index and Pielou index were low in the area with high cell abundance, and the biodiversity of phytoplankton community was generally low in the study area.
Key words:  phytoplankton  community structure  spawning ground of the East China Sea
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