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引用本文:黄海立,符 韶,邓陈茂,刘志刚.珠母贝亲贝催熟培育和催产技术的研究[J].海洋科学,2009,33(10):1-4.
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黄海立1, 符 韶1, 邓陈茂1, 刘志刚1
对不同来源珠母贝(Pinctada margaritifera)亲贝分别进行海上浅吊疏养促熟和室外水泥池人工催熟培育,且采用阴干、藻液、温度、低盐度刺激和异性产物诱导亲贝排放精卵,比较不同方法、不同来源亲贝性腺发育及亲贝开始排放时间、排放率、受精率和幼虫畸形率情况。结果表明,室外水泥池人工催熟法亲贝性腺成熟度比浅吊疏养促熟法好、死亡率低;相同培育方法,北部湾亲贝比海南亲贝性腺成熟快,但死亡率高;阴干刺激3 h+藻液刺激1 h+异性产物诱导,性腺达到第四期(排放期)的亲贝才排放,且排放的性细胞成熟度好,受精率高,幼虫畸形率低。
关键词:  珠母贝(Pinctada margaritifera  亲贝  促熟  催产
Mature acceleration and spawning inducement of parent oyster of Pinctada margaritifera
HUANG Hai-li,FU Shao,DENG Chen-mao,LIU Zhi-gang
Parent oysters of different sources were cultured for 15 days in the shallow seawater or in the outdoor concrete ponds. One or more following ways: shady stimulation, algae solution, temperature, low salinity and opposite sex product were used to induce gametes releasing. Gonad developments of parent pearl oyster of both sources and culture methods were examined. And the releasing time, releasing rate, fertilization rate and larvae abnormality of parent pearl oyster in different groups were compared. The results showed that, parent oyster gonad developed better in concrete ponds than in shallow seawater; Gonad developments of parent oyster from Bei Bu Bay was faster than from Hainan, but a high mortality rate; with shady stimulation 3 h+algae solution stimulation 1 h+opposite sex product inducement, parent oyster released gametes when its gonad reached Ⅳ stage with a high maturity ratio, high fertilization and low larval abnormality.
Key words:  Blacklip pearl oyster  parent oyster  mature acceleration  spawning inducement
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