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沈伟良1, 尤仲杰1, 施祥元2
就盐度和温度对毛蚶(Scapharca subcrenata)受精卵孵化和幼虫生长的影响做了研究。结果表明,毛蚶受精卵孵化的最适温度为25~30℃,随着温度的升高,孵化速度成正相关;适宜盐度为18~30,在盐度18~26的条件下,盐度和孵化率成正相关,畸形率差异不显著。幼体生长的适宜温度为25~30℃,最适盐度为20~25。在温、盐都适宜的范围内,两者交互作用不显著,而当其中一个条件为极限时,交互作用显著,同时幼虫生长的温、盐范围比受精卵孵化适宜范围更广。
关键词:  毛蚶(Scapharca subcrenata)  温度  盐度  胚胎发育  幼虫生长
The influence of temperature and salinity on zygote’s hatchingrate and larval growth of Scapharca subcrenata
SHEN Wei-liang,YOU Zhong-jie,SHI Xiang-yuan
The effects of salinity and temperature on zygote’s hatching rate of Scapharca subcrenata, as well as the growth of larvae are described. The result shows that the best temperature for hatching zygotes ranges from 25℃ to 30℃, and the hatching speed is positive to the increasing of temperature. The suitable salinity is from 18 to 30. In the range of 18~26, the hatching rate is a positive correlation with the salinity, and also the rate of abnormality is no significant differences. For the development of larvae,the adaptive temperature is 25 to 30℃, the optimal salinity from 20 to 25 when the temperature and salinity are both suitable, their interaction is not significantly different, but when one of them is on the utmost, the interaction is significantly different, meanwhile for the growth of the larvae, the ranges of the temperature and salinity are wider than those of the zygotes.
Key words:  Scapharca subcrenata  temperature  salinity  embryonic development  larval growth
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